Little Mermaid, the film that took us under the sea, and back up to dry land, all while watching a fish fall in love with a man, is now becoming an attraction. Set to debut next Summer, (for those of you who don't use a calendar, that's 2011) this ride will be pretty awesome.
This is going to take over where Golden Dreams used to be. If you don't remember Golden Dreams, or it's location, well here's a photo to refresh your memory:
Photo credit: Micechat
Construction has already been well underway, and we already have a large shell of a building to house this aquatic attraction in.
Photo credit: Micechat.
The ride will be using the omnimover system. If you're not familiar with that term, think of the cars you ride in on the Haunted Mansion.
The ride will take you through some of the most memorable scenes of the movie, and is rumored to have some very sophisticated audio animatronics. We don't know much right now, as a lot of info hasn't really been released. But as time goes, we'll find out more, and keep things updated.
Is this the Same Miley? The one we saw just last year on the set of Hannah Montana? Yea, it is. Believe it or not, it is. It shows that once most of these girls get out from under Disney's corporate wing, they get a little wild. I dig the sound of the song, but really Miley? You gotta realize that girls are still looking up to you.
For those who don't know me, I can get a bit crazy Have to get my way, 24 hours a day 'Cause I'm hot like that Every guy everywhere just gives me mad attention Like I'm under inspection, I always get the 10s 'Cause I'm built like that
I go through guys like money flyin' out their hands They try to change me but they realize they can't And every tomorrow is a day I never planned If you're gonna be my man, understand
[Chorus] I can't be tamed, I can't be saved I can't be blamed, I can't, can't I can't be tamed, I can't be changed I can't be saved, I can't be (can't be) I can't be tamed
If I see my reflectiona bout my intentions I'll tell ya I'm not here to sell ya Or tell ya to get to hell I'm like a puzzle but all of my pieces are jagged If you can understand this, we can make some magic I'm on like that
I wanna fly I wanna drive I wanna go I wanna be a part of something I don't know And if you try to hold me back I might explode Baby by now you should know
[Chorus] I can't be tamed, I can't be saved I can't be blamed, I can't, can't I can't be tamed, I can't be changed I can't be saved, I can't be (can't be) I can't be tamed
I'm not a trick you play, I ride a different way I'm not a mistake, I'm not a fake, It's set in my DNA Don't change me (x4) (I can't be tamed)
I wanna fly I wanna drive I wanna go I wanna be a part of something I don’t know And if you try to hold me back I might explode Baby by now you should know
[Chorus] I can't be tamed, I can't be saved I can't be blamed, I can't, can't I can't be tamed, I can't be changed I can't be saved, I can't be (can't be) I can't be tamed
This is something I'd expect from Lady Gaga, or at the least Christina Aguilera. I think Miley's getting too wrapped up in her songs and growing up too fast. I know people need to grow up, I get that. But at least Taylor Swift gets that she needs to make sure that the tweens still maintain at least a hint of their innocence.
Time will tell what this sex kitten will do next..
Ok, so I covered the topic of the new water show coming to Disney's California Adventure yesterday, today we'll be looking at the rest of the Pier.
The next part of the pier that's re-opening is the Silly Symphony Swings. This was originally the Orange Stinger. Don't know what I'm talking about? Here's a picture to refresh your memory.
Now, they're changing THAT, to this: Photo courtesy of Micechat.
The swings new theme is based off of Disney's classic short film "The Band Concert". Mickey adorns the top of the Swings, conducting everything, until the "tornado" hits, and everything goes haywire. The ride is the same, except for the fact that it's now all out in the open, instead of enclosed as it was previously.
This is the next addition to Paradise Pier, which opens soon.
The Rest of the Pier still has a lot of stuff coming.
Mulholland Madness
Mulholland Madness is going to be rethemed as Goofy's Sky School. It's going to be the same ride, just with new colors and theme. This is just concept art, as we don't know exactly what it will look like, but at least it gives us an idea as to what they're going for.
Next Post: The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Undersea Adventure
Art Linkletter, a long time television host, and news broadcaster, passed away today at the age of 97. He was hand picked by Walt Disney, along with what would be a future president, Ronald Reagan, to host the grand opening of Disneyland. He wrote several books, such as How to Make The Rest of Your Life The Best of Your Life, and Kids Say The Darndest Things!. He is survived by his wife Lois, and daughters Dawn and Sharon.
This is the first post in a series of posts, covering all the construction mayhem that's going on inside California Adventure.
To begin, we'll start with something that's pretty much totally done, and actually will be debuting in 16 days: The World of Color.
This show will take viewers on a 25 minute emotional rollercoaster, through every human emotion, all to the sights and sounds of our favorite Disney films. Now, you may be thinking to yourself as you read this, "Self, this is gonna be a new Fantasmic!, what's the difference?"
Here's the differences between World of Color, and Fantasmic.
World of Color has NO live actors. Fantasmic does.
World of Color's plot is all about emotion. Portraying emotion through the liquid medium and color. Fantasmic's plot is all about Mickey's dream being overthrown by villains, and him conquering his dream through a battle of good vs. evil.
Now you may be wondering: "Self, if this has no live actors, then how does the show work?"
Well, if you've ever been to Las Vegas, you may have seen, or caught a glimpse of the Bellagio fountain show. If you have not, then watch this video!
Now after watching that, imagine this:
1,200 fountains, on a platform bigger than a football field. With fountains that change colors, the most high tech, and up to date lasers, 50 foot high, 400 feet wide mist screens, and fire!
Here's some concept art for the show. *NOTE: This is just artwork, and may or may not be the final product.
Now, if you want to get an extremely close taste of what the show will be like, a youtuber got footage of what seems to be a full show run through. You can't see all the effects of what will be in there, and you can't hear certain areas of the audio, but it's good none the less.
The Wonderful World of Color debuts June 11th, 2010, at the Disneyland Resort. If you have any further questions, please leave a comment here on the blog, or e-mail me at
I met a girl last year at the beach, and we've stayed in contact, and I really liked her, but due to the distance (she lives at the coast, and I'm here in the central valley), we never dated, but just danced around the subject of what we'd do down the road. We never were in a relationship, so I dated other girls here in town. The girl at the beach told me I cheated on her. Uhm..excuse me, but no. We never were in a relationship.
We're still friends, but lately I'm really starting to like this girl at youth group, and the girl at the beach is disappointed, because I'm liking this girl here. It's more than likely never going to work out between me and the beach girl, because I'm here, she's there, I'm going to college in LA, she's going to a coastal school. So, sticking as friends, that gives me the right to date other people. Apparently she thinks differently.
High school. What's so good about it? Sure we've got proms, and formals. The homecoming football games, going to movies with friends on the weekends, the endless class projects, and then the relationships.
It's all a fun time, or so people say. But honestly, I don't get what's the big deal about it all.
The relationships aren't much. Teens falling "in love", only to break up in a few months time, and then "fall in love" a month later. We don't know what we want. All we want is that attention. That feeling of knowing that some girl, or some guy is "there for you". I don't get it. Love doesn't come that fast. Love takes time to grow, and get strong before it really is LOVE.
I recently liked this girl, and she said she liked me, but the night I was going to ask her out, I find out the other guy that liked her asked her. It sucks, no doubt, but hey, what can you do? She obviously sees something worthwhile in him, so I guess I should be happy for her. I'll find someone else to date in time, I'm not worried about it.
I think that dating in high school should be for fun, and not really taken seriously. We still have the rest of our lives ahead of us. How many teens nowadays are getting married right out of high school? I don't think nearly as many as back in the good old days.
So, here's to love, and the rest of our lives. May everyone find somebody to love for the rest of their life.
Yesterday all of Tomorrowland was evacuated due to a potential bomb scare. A cooler-like case was left by someone, and people took the precautionary cases to make sure it wasn't a bomb. The APD and bomb squad were called in, Tomorrowland was evacuated, and they began their search....only to find out it WASN'T a bomb....but a cooler full of burritos. Now, here's some things on this:
Only in Southern California will people take a cooler full of burritos into a theme park.
Only in Southern California will people LEAVE their cooler full of burritos, just like they probably left their couch on I-5 the other day.
Why was it burritos? Because this is socal, and we love our burritos.
and finally:
the burritos were probably bought at the taco bell/mobile mart/starbucks right across the street, along with a pair of knock off ray-bans and a small bottle of Corona for the uncle of the group.
NOTE: This is all out of pure fun, and not intended to offend anyone. If you do find this offensive, please, do not hesitate to send me an e-mail explaining why you feel that way.
Just got word that Disney's "Broadway" show, Aladdin, will be extended longer than it was supposed to. The was supposed to be cut August 15th (which is also when that area of the walkway is going to start getting that lovely new track for the trolleys), but now has been extended indefinitely. A show version of the popular Pixar film Toy Story was supposed to take it's place, but that's obviously been put on hold...for now.
I personally hope that Toy Story stays where it should: under the bed with the rest of Andy's toys. I think Disney could replace this classic show with something better. I recently tweeted with the mysterious Boy 33 about the subject of a show replacement, and we both nicely came to somewhat of a disagreement on Mulan. I think it could work, and would at least be better than the Toys from under the bed. The songs aren't as strong as other films, but if done right, could be really memorable. Here's an idea of some scenes.
Reflections song scene - theater darkens, soft pink spotlight opens on Mulan stage right. Above the audience, Chinese lanterns lower from the ceiling, She starts singing, as the rest of the stage slowly illuminates. Song ends, full stage fades to black, leaving Mulan in just a single soft pink spotlight, after a few seconds, fade out, next scene.
I'll Make a Man Out of You - stage has orange and yellow lighting, soldiers in line. Yao starts trying to climb a pole on stage left. He falls, soldiers laugh, Shang gives them a stern look. They stand back at attention, and Shang starts the song with some martial arts, and begins singing. Towards the end of the song, cast extras in full armor come down the aisles of the theater, still singing, and practicing their "Training".
A Girl Worth Fighting For - Stage left enter group. Song starts, and they begin to march around the stage. Once getting to the women in the rice field, girls in working clothes and baskets dance around the aisle, the guys ogle them, they bow, and giggle. The song ends abruptly with the realization of the burned camp. The backdrop smoothly transitions from the greens and whites, to the reds and blacks of the burned village. buildings on the side of the stage will have a burning effect similar to the burning logs in Pirates of the Caribbean.
The final fight scene would be a grand scene, and how to explain it from start to finish I can't do, as I haven't thought this out all the way, but one part that sticks out to me is when Shan-Yu and Mulan fall with the building support, over the crowd. This would be a hidden effect until used in the scene. there'd be two sets of actors for this scene (2x for Mulan, 2x for Shang, 2x for Shan-Yu). Mulan and Shan-Yu would be fighting in and out of the building, until one of the supports falls over the audience. They'd be strapped into harnesses, but overall, it'd be a very intimate scene, allowing things to happen in front of, around, and above the audience.
And with Mushu, I think a puppeted character would work, and the modern jokes would be used with him as the comic relief.
Time will tell with what they add to the Hyperion, but here's hoping they keep the toys under the bed. Otherwise, I'll bring my friend Sid to the opening show.
I started doing this not too long ago, and I'd hope to get it started with others too. I recently have started taking photos of my Converses wherever I'm at. First it was Yosemite, then L.A.X, then Disneyland. Wherever I go, I'm going to take a photo of my Chuck Taylors, and post them. If you want to join in, feel free to send me a pic at my e-mail ( ) with the subject letting me know its for the blog, and I'll post it! I'll give you acknowledgement of where you went with your shoes (I.E. - John D. went to The Golden Gate bridge with his chuck taylors).
Here's the beginning shots of many photos to come.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. This dude has got people wrapped around his little nerd fingers. How many times has Al actually gotten things right, without having to go back, and revise what he originally said? It's starting to annoy people. I understand that with Disney, things are always subject to change, but when someone states something as fact, or comes across that way, and then it changes, it leaves that person standing there looking like a complete fool. For example, the showpass. I'm pretty sure Disney would have come out by now saying this is what we're doing with the guests, in order to get most of us ready for it. Most people will need some explaining, even with a new name. People don't normally think it's the same concept as fastpass. They hear "showpass", and think it's some new concept, when in reality, it's the same as a fastpass for a ride.
A lot of the stuff this dude comes up with is clever, but I really doubt most of it's going to come true. I'd probably start to trust him a little bit more if he stated upfront that this is what I have heard, until we see fact and evidence from Disney themselves, take it for what it's worth. But nope. This dude comes across with his monthly newsletters as fact, and it will happen. That's why I trust Blue Sky Disney so much more, because they're upfront about things. Honor Hunter and his crew of miscreants release info about things and state that its something that could be coming, but we have to wait and see if it does or not.
Its a no harm no foul deal with them. But it seems to me that Al states things, then it doesn't happen, and he has to go back and cover his tracks.
I guess it doesn't matter in the end, because Disney's going to do what they do best: creating magic. And the fans that be, will stand on the sidelines and over analyze, and criticize their every move.
I just had a thought...I'm a big city guy, stuck in this small town, with small town people, who really don't get me. I like music most people here don't like, I dress like a SoCal surf bum, and others, more like dope-skater, or cowboys. It seems like Bakersfield is a toilet bowl for people here. They never go anywhere. There's the elite few who make it out of this town, and they're the lucky ones. I'm going to be a lucky one, because I'm not staying in this hick town.
There's great people here, but for the most part, its the same, stereotypical rednecks, who drink on a Saturday night, then wear their Sunday best, and sing Hallelujah with the rest of the choir the next morning. It's crazy how people justify their actions.