Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sorry I haven't been blogging much. I've been busy doing stuff. After all, it is summer. In the past two weeks I've gone to the beach twice, been to the movies 3 nights in a row (saw Karate Kid and Grown Ups), and then multiple nights of hanging out with friends until Lord knows how early in the morning. I'm going to be on vacation soon with a friend, so I'll be posting stuff from that soon. Now back to the pool...
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Crazy Game
Recently, after having to deal with a someone psychotic person, I thought of this idea...
what if, a select group of people had this "club", known as "The Unknowns", and they went around being sarcastic, and getting people mad enough to update their statuses about their annoyances.
This game really doesn't have a point to it, but it's fun!
Here's the rules:
- You can't just start something. You have to comment on someone's status after they posted something.
- You cannot resort to using foul language.
- personal attacks are not welcomed.
- sarcasm is key
Now the points system:
- 5 points for the intial post
- -1 point for the user using foul language
- -2 points for the user posting "anonymous" statuses like "people are stupid" and "you know who you are".
- 3 points for the user being creative with their post, by expressing their annoyance/frustration.
- 1 point for being tagged in a post.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
California Dorks (Parody of Katy Perry's California Gurls) by Skyway Flyer
This song had me laughing SO hard. Take a look. It's legit.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
What is love?
It's love if:
You have great chemistry:
You get lost in your conversations, and the hours pass like minutes. You're more than willing to listen to her when she talks about her day. The chemistry between you is remarkable.
You find her beautiful:
Even if you catch her with no makeup on and her hair pulled back while she's doing dishes, she still looks beautiful to you.
You want to spend time with her:
All you want to do is to be with her, you don't care how, or when, you want to be there with her all the time.
You see a future together:
You experience the strange feeling that your life would be totally empty without her. You tell your friends and family that she may be The One, and you're even thinking about marrying her.
You introduce her to your family:
It becomes very important to you that your parents like her, and that she gets along with everyone close to you.
You include her in all your plans:
Whether you're going out with your male friends or taking your dog for a walk, you want her there with you. And if she's not there, you can't get her off your mind and sneak off to give her a quick "I miss you" phone call. Of course, you don't tell your buddies.
You are more romantic:
All of a sudden you find yourself listening to cheesy romantic songs and thinking of her. You send her flowers and love notes to work and set up romantic evenings candlelit dinners at home.
You always take her side:
If someone says anything even slightly disparaging about her, you immediately rise to her defense. Furthermore, in social gatherings, you always agree with her even if you disagree behind closed doors.
She makes you want to be a better man:
She challenges and motivates you. She makes you happy, and you'd do anything to make her happy.
You have great chemistry:
You get lost in your conversations, and the hours pass like minutes. You're more than willing to listen to her when she talks about her day. The chemistry between you is remarkable.
You find her beautiful:
Even if you catch her with no makeup on and her hair pulled back while she's doing dishes, she still looks beautiful to you.
You want to spend time with her:
All you want to do is to be with her, you don't care how, or when, you want to be there with her all the time.
You see a future together:
You experience the strange feeling that your life would be totally empty without her. You tell your friends and family that she may be The One, and you're even thinking about marrying her.
You introduce her to your family:
It becomes very important to you that your parents like her, and that she gets along with everyone close to you.
You include her in all your plans:
Whether you're going out with your male friends or taking your dog for a walk, you want her there with you. And if she's not there, you can't get her off your mind and sneak off to give her a quick "I miss you" phone call. Of course, you don't tell your buddies.
You are more romantic:
All of a sudden you find yourself listening to cheesy romantic songs and thinking of her. You send her flowers and love notes to work and set up romantic evenings candlelit dinners at home.
You always take her side:
If someone says anything even slightly disparaging about her, you immediately rise to her defense. Furthermore, in social gatherings, you always agree with her even if you disagree behind closed doors.
She makes you want to be a better man:
She challenges and motivates you. She makes you happy, and you'd do anything to make her happy.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Two Day's of Nightastic!
Last Thursday and Friday I took a two day trip to Disneyland. First day was spent with friends, and the second, with my family who drove down Thursday night. We spent the night down there, and I was on watchdog duty to gauge the line of campers, eagerly awaiting to get inside DCA to get their tickets for the first public showing of World of Color.
Now, this was a very long time for me, because on Wednesday, I crashed at a friend's house. We all stayed up until at least midnight, watching movies, only to wake up @ 4am, to get ready for the day (we had to meet the rest of the group at Enterprise at 5:45 to pick up the van). So, I got 4 hours of sleep that night. Spent a full day at Disneyland, and didn't get into the hotel room until 10:00 that night. Finally got to bed around midnight after eating a late dinner, and checking stuff online. Got up once at 3AM to check the line. Only about 200 people. Got up at 6am, walked over, and checked the line again. give or take about 1300 people in the campout line. Called up the parents, told them to start getting ready. An hour later, we get back, and the line has about, 2500 people. So, we get in line, and get our tickets for the show.
Represent! Not really...L.A's much better than here.

Had to walk through Condor Flats to get to GRR's fastpass area.
And yet...another line.
We got our tickets, and then spent the rest of the day riding attractions, and really keeping it chill. We didn't do much.
Looks bad in the day time, but looks AWESOME at night.

Now, here's my two cents on Glow Fest.
Yes, it does look bad during the day. But at night, this area is rockin'! It's family friendly (despite the bars located on the street), and they play some really cool remixes of not only the latest songs, but also classics (they played a remix of The Police's De Do Do Do De Da Da Da).
If you don't like loud music, or neon flashing lights, this isn't for you. Everyone that I saw seemed to be enjoying it.
This is for all the people who don't like it:
Stop wasting your time typing out your hate for it when you:
A) more than likely haven't seen it in person
B) already don't like flashing lights and loud music
C) are against drinking in a theme park.
You are entitled to your opinion, but when you get overly emotional about it, you just sound annoying. If you want to talk about it, at least be civil.

Tony Baxter was with a group of people walking into Fantasyland, they kept pointing at stuff, so who knows what they're doing.

The Lady in the black is Laura Dern. She acted in Jurassic Park 3.

Chuck Taylors do Captain EO.

And a final note: The World of Color is beyond amazing. It takes you on a whirlwind of emotions portrayed through the visual mediums of color and Disney films. This is the first show that I cried at.
What people are failing to realize is that there's no...wait for it.....no.......STORY to this show. You want a story? See Fantasmic!. You want a show that goes from one emotion to another? See World of Color.
Both are phenomenal shows, and I'll be seeing both of these shows many times in the future.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Journey To Nan Qi Huan
This is the trip video from our journey to get my little sister. Hope you enjoy watching it as much as I did making it.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Working hard at Playing.
Sorry I haven't posted much, I've been busy playing around, seeing that it's summer and all. I just took a two day trip to the Resort, and I'll be posting photos and maybe some video as well. Tune in for an update in the next few days.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Note To Self # 1: full tank of gas, and a charged cell phone, go a LONG WAY.
uhm...this night got interesting really fast. Decided to drive the gator out into the grapes to see if I could find any wildlife or something, ended up driving way too far past the property, and I ran out of gas. All while I was exploring, I was texting a friend, and then when the gas runs out, so did my phone battery. So I had to trek back home to get the gas tank, and answer to two upset parents, which, by the way, that trek, was about a 1/2 mile away from my house, through three separate vineyards.
So, I get home, and put my phone on the charger, and there's a few texts from her, and then I text her back letting her know what happened, and I get a text back with this:
"You scared me!! :/ PLEASE check gas and phone before leaving!!!"
I'm really glad she cares, because most of my friends would be like "dude, you're an idiot." At first I tried to make light of the situation, and just kind of go "whoops, mybad", and roll on, but after further realizing what went down, it wasn't the smartest move.
It was dark, and Arvin's orchards/vineyards aren't the best at night, thanks to the local drunks and sky-highers. So me running a 1/2 mile (yes, I can run a 1/2 mile) back home, in the dark, without my I.D, or a charged cell phone, is in fact, a BAD IDEA. My parents got upset, as any caring parents should, and I just want to apologize to them for being dumb and not thinking all the way, and I want to apologize to the girl I was texting for scaring you, unintentionally, like I did.
So, now I'm not going to be driving the gator for a while...
...I guess I'll just stick to driving the arcade games at the local theater for now...
Thursday, June 3, 2010
A Picture's Worth A 1,000 words, or...a $1,000....
Hey, I'm just throwing this out there, but I'm on this site that you can sell your artwork, or in my case, photographs online. I like to consider myself a pro photographer, as I've shot some very nice photos. Check out my "gallery", and if you feel obligated to buy one of my photos, we'll work out a deal on something. I'm just trying to make some extra cash on the side, and I thought it'd work with this being one of my hobbies. If you see a photo you like on there, and you want it altered, just let me know, and I'll go back and fix it the way you want.
Thanks for your time,
Summer Signtastic

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
New World of Color CM Costumes
Preeettty coloooorrrssss

So now we have something that sounds like a hippie convention in Kansas. I can see it now...
"Duuude, you going to gloooooww fest this yeeeaarrrr?"
"yeeeaaaahhhh man, it's gonna rooooccckkkk"
I laughed when I first heard of the name change, I thought it was a joke at first. Honestly, I'd rather have the dirty acronym that the few dirty minded people in this world would catch, because it sounds a lot more official. Glow fest has this...weak sound to it.
Either way, the neon night party is coming to the park.
Get ready for the color.
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