Now, here's my two cents on Glow Fest.
Yes, it does look bad during the day. But at night, this area is rockin'! It's family friendly (despite the bars located on the street), and they play some really cool remixes of not only the latest songs, but also classics (they played a remix of The Police's De Do Do Do De Da Da Da).
If you don't like loud music, or neon flashing lights, this isn't for you. Everyone that I saw seemed to be enjoying it.
This is for all the people who don't like it:
Stop wasting your time typing out your hate for it when you:
A) more than likely haven't seen it in person
B) already don't like flashing lights and loud music
C) are against drinking in a theme park.
You are entitled to your opinion, but when you get overly emotional about it, you just sound annoying. If you want to talk about it, at least be civil.

Tony Baxter was with a group of people walking into Fantasyland, they kept pointing at stuff, so who knows what they're doing.

The Lady in the black is Laura Dern. She acted in Jurassic Park 3.

Chuck Taylors do Captain EO.

And a final note: The World of Color is beyond amazing. It takes you on a whirlwind of emotions portrayed through the visual mediums of color and Disney films. This is the first show that I cried at.
What people are failing to realize is that there's no...wait for it.....no.......STORY to this show. You want a story? See Fantasmic!. You want a show that goes from one emotion to another? See World of Color.
Both are phenomenal shows, and I'll be seeing both of these shows many times in the future.
Jake great blog but I was kind of hoping for more pics. :)
Gina - I'll post more tonight. (:
I didn't take any photos of World of Color, as I wanted to just watch the show first time around. (:
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