We're all rockin' the Chuck Taylors!
Kind of ironic, considering I don't go there anymore..
Last night was great. It was a end to four years of high school. End of being a real kid. End of not having a lot of responsibilities. It was a step up into the real world. Onto college. Onto jobs, and real relationships that can end up in marriage.
BCHS' graduation went well. My friends walked across the stage, received their diploma, and threw those awkward frisbee hats high in the air.
My best friend right after graduation. Really proud of this guy!
And then rest of my night went pretty well. Went and saw Kung Fu Panda 2
My awesome sister and me waiting for Kung Fu Panda 2.
Now for the lengthy part of this post:
Kung Fu Panda 2 was great. I was never totally into the first one,
but this one I liked better. It just seemed more on top of its game with the story, jokes and overall visuals of the film. This one still has those classic fat panda jokes Pho makes about himself, but also with some really solid comedy that's fresh. And I must say, the film visually is stunning. The opening scene was great, but a little slow. They open the film with chinese paper puppetry setting up the plot in the form of a backstory. The angles they used were definitely creative as well. With a shot looking directly down over a village as the Furious Five make an escape, they use the alleyways of the town to resemble somewhat of a Pac-Man
On top of the creative angles, the pure beauty they created resembling China and its culture was beautiful. Wide shots of lush green valleys with a misty sky. The buildings with intensely detailed carvings, it's all just very well done.
Overall there really wasn't much that was bad about the film except the beginning was a little slow to start things off. Other than that, it's a fun film. Definitely one of summer's better films so far.
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