Monday, December 12, 2011

Facebook: Slamming the Cover on Etiquette.

Lately I've really picked up on the lack of etiquette online. People are just flat out inconsiderate to what they say, lazy on how they type, and generally slacking on how to actually have a presentable image online. Granted, I understand not everyone's going to ever be proper about things, and sure I get lazy at times myself, but there should be general guidelines to follow (or at least attempt to) that would really make the online world a better place, and in turn, make the world a better place because the drama and idiocy online would be slimmed down. Here's some ideas for proper facebooking, tweeting, and other social networking..

1) Would You Like Some Cheese with that WHINE? 
These types of people tend to be always negative, complaining about how something is wrong with their life in one way or another, and they can never find a way to fix it. I get that some lives are hard to live, but when the person lives in a good house, with a car to drive and food to eat, I always think of the people that have less than that and are happy with just the clothes on their back, and food they get. It COULD be worse than not getting your fast food order right, or getting cut off in traffic. This usually falls under the stuff like #firstworldpains. At times it can be humorous if used right, but when it's a consistent stream of these, it just makes you look pathetic and that you can't handle anything in the world because it's SOOOO HARD to deal with.

2) Your dirty laundry is meant for the hamper. Leave it there, and not on your status.
We don't care that you got into a fight with your mom, girlfriend, dad, best friend, brother, sister, even teacher. It happens to everyone. It sucks, sure. But it's never classy to go out and bash them online just because you're mad at them. It makes you look like a fool for saying mean things that you ultimately don't mean, and a few days, even hours later, wouldn't say otherwise. Keep your anger filled posts off the page, and instead, call up a close friend to vent to. It's easier, and you can actually get more sympathy out of it.

3) OMG, th!s iz tot@lly aw3som3.
We've grown up in an age where things have been so condensed, and shortened, that people have legitimately forgotten to spell correctly. How do I know this? Helping friends out with homework and reading what they're writing. It scares me to see how people write anymore. Look, there's a reason people WAY back in history decided to create a literary version of our english language and put words to characters we use to write what we say. USE THEM THE RIGHT WAY. Sure, the minor TTYL, LOL, or BRB is cool and find and dandy, but when you get to use things you make up on your own, and people have to try to guess what you're saying, that's when it gets absurd. Stick to writing grammatically correct. It's what Chaucer would have wanted.

I could easily go on with things to say on how girls should leave their provocative photos offline if they don't want the attention by horny guys, and how guys should find better things to say than the foul mouthed language that makes them 'appear cool', but then I'd be writing a novel so big that Hemingway himself would yawn just at the size of text alone.

A final note though: If you don't want to be hacked or spammed, LEARN TO USE YOUR SECURITY SETTINGS. It's not that confusing, and if you have time to read through 769 Tumblr pages of Spongebob .gif's and Twilight/Harry Potter memes, then by iMac, you have the time to secure your site's page. 

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