Friday, June 8, 2012

Universal Studios

Went down to Universal Studios again last Saturday with my lady and her family. Really dig this park, and it's only my second time there. I think this is the next best to Disneyland in regards to Southern California Parks. 
Valencia In-N-Out for Lunch? Why yes please. 

I walk red carpets. 'Cause you know, I'm different than anyone else here.

"Babe, can I get this for Christmas?" - Me
"It's $7000!" - Her
"And?" - Me

Lower Lot time to check out...


And stilt-man who looks like a car. See, Universal knows how to embrace true Hollywood style by just hiring those people that stand around without a job all day next to Grauman's in cartoon suits. Take that, Occupy Wall Street.

We're in a nest. Apparently.

Even at Universal, Disney references are everywhere. You go, Walt!

Sparkity Spark Spark! 

The theming in this ride seriously rocks. 

Only thing I wanted different was that this would slowly twitch and move, to catch the eyes of those that pay attention to these things.

She likes to push my buttons. 

Another thing I really liked, a cast member standing here to hand out the glasses instead of guess cluttering up the bins on their own. 

Now review time, because people on twitter kept asking my thoughts about it. Transformers is just downright awesome. I've said it before, I really don't care for the films after the first one. They just aren't my thing, and I think the action is too blurred with all the close ups of meshing metal on metal.

With that said though, this ride rocks. The 3D is seamless and wonderful. The glasses you wear are super lightweight, and don't get in the way. Best thing I loved is that the 3D isn't just a screen tossed into the ride and graphics projected. No, this ride's 3D is peripheral. It REALLY feels like you're caught right in the action of what's going on, and it's not blurred or too up close. The ride's vehicles are akin to the spiderman cars at Uni-Florida, and I gotta say, they move incredibly in sync to the film work. It's not too much of a jolting ride, and is really smooth with the spins and drops. Overall, I'd give this ride a solid A on a grade scale. Graphics are awesome, queue and show theming was spot on, and the ride system works incredibly well with what goes on in the story. I'd even dare to say I like this better than Star Tours.

Now onto more photos...
Do not ride if you have body odor?

"Do not ride if your tummy is bigger than a mummy's tummy holding a mummy's baby sonny"

Who rents out Universal Studios for prom? Rich celebrity's kids...

Two of my favorite things combined! 

I just really like this guitar...

Theme Park rule of dress #82: NEVER SHOW YOUR BACK HAIR, CHEWBACCA!

Toyed around with a new photo app on my iPhone on the way home. You REALLY gotta get light bomber. A lot of fun for slow-shutter speed photos.

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