Saturday, September 1, 2012

Boom Went The Post

Look, there's just things that are cool to post, and not to post. Plain and simple. There's an art to generating creative posts to not just gain followers, but also keep them interested in the posts you post. It takes time to generate this art, as it's constantly ever-changing. But lets look at things NOT to tweet much about:

  • Too much of a relationship. I've done this one, I won't lie. Not everyone cares that you and Honey Schmuckums just shared froyo for the 24th time since you've dated.
  • Women: Your period and pregnancy issues. No one outside of Midol, Tampax and your husband or boyfriend want to know you're dealing with this on a public format. 
  • Complaining. Now here's a fine line to balance. How does one say something is bad, without coming off as a sad sack of tears? Usually making the complaint light hearted and funny eases the posts tension about your issue of bad valet parking, or missing your favorite show because your kid dropped the remote in apple juice.
  • Family/friend drama. So you and your bestie/Bro since Kappa Pi Gamma Beta split up the group for the 9th time? Old news. Now it's expected you'll reunite over drinks at the same bar for now the 10th time in probably record time, too. 
  • Reviews. Everyone has their vlog of why they think the Na'vi should have been red instead of blue. But then we couldn't make stretched out smurf jokes. Instead, they'd just be laffy taffy bars with tails. Seriously though, Ebert and Roeper get paid to do what they do for a reason. Best to leave it to the guys that know what a Dolly Zoom is. 
It's cool to say that a movie or artist rocked. That you got into a relationship with your crush, even. But like everything, there's moderation and how you say things matter the most. 

I know I've pissed off a lot of people with things before. In fact, I know there's some that are foa-I mean fuming at me for posting this, and some other stuff. But when there's issues that people don't like, and a group thinks relatively unanimously of it, somebody's gotta say it. I'm gonna leave it at this. When you're confronted, it's not bullying when you tell someone how things are that everyone else privately has agreed upon. I know I would want to be told in a caring fashion that there's something I'd need to work on to be a better person. And if it was true, then I'd change. Because that's what makes people successful. That's how they can start handling their own stuff in the world. Otherwise they're going to fail and be miserable the rest of their lives. I know I wouldn't want that for myself. 

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