Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The One Sided War.

First things first: I'm a member of both sites and I enjoy both sites, so I'm not going to be ripping on just one site.

Good, got that out of the way. Now for my thoughts.

Lately it seems that there's been a small undertone of tension between the sites. Not really so much on Westcoaster's side, because the site's personality, much like it's owner is "I'm going to make fun of something I think is funny. If you're offended, then I'm sorry, but it's only a joke. Have a backbone and live a little." Micechat is a site that is very well known to be all about Disney. There's entertainment sections, sports spots, and tech hideout areas on their site, but those areas don't get nearly as much traffic as the Disney Park side of the site. With this side, you get a variety of people, much like in the park. Here's a list of the people in categories by personalities.

The Average Joes - You get the normal people who enjoy the park for everything it is, and love to see what goes on backstage and what's coming, but also love their other non-Disney interests just as much. These people understand that there are other things in life and need to worry about the finer things in life.

The 'everything' fans - These are the fans that need to know everything about the park, and need to collect everything the park sells. This includes Club 33 napkins. Actually, even regular napkins are included too. The fans that dress up really close to CM costumes, or close to their favorite character. Online, these are the people that complain about anything the park does.

The Foamer fan - I don't even get why these people call themselves fans. They complain about EVERYTHING the entire Disney company does. From down to the Main Street paint scheme (those close to me know this joke well. If you don't, then expect a blog post later on..), to the hiring of a new Executive. They apparently don't like anything Disney does.

With all these people in there, you definitely get some arguments going, but even worse, you get some site calling outs going on. Check it out on Micechat for example:

Some fans actually think what they have to say is funny, and others...er, most, get totally hurt over it.

My opinion? Get over it. Everyone has the right to free speech, and can say what they want. This world in general has become so soft in regards to the 'offensive'. People will be mean, people will be rude. It's a fact of life and if someone can't handle it, don't cry about it in front of those who can handle it.

To be fair, here's some screenshots of what WestCoaster has to say about their apparent 'enemy'.

In the end, if I had to pick a side, I'd sit with WC on this one. Some fans don't get that they have NO control over what Disney does. Sure, take their fan surveys at the park or inside your blu-ray packs, but other than that, sit back and see what the mouse is building. Why cry over something you can't control? And if you don't like something so much, why waste your time talking about it? I don't like Justin Bieber, so do I talk about him? No. 

Damn. I just talked about him.

you get what I mean though. 

I still support Micechat, and have a lot of great friends from the site, but the friends I have are like me. Enjoy what's coming to the parks, and if you don't like something, find a positive way to look at it.
 Otherwise, why waste time with being negative? There's better things to think about.
Now back to that project tracker.


Just a Guy said...

Well said. I tend to side with WC on most things. Though I tend to be a very sarcastic, dry humor type of person, so their personality meshes well with me. If you can't make fun of something, what's the point? Even Disney makes fun of itself. Half of the film Enchanted was Disney poking fun at itself and the types of movies it makes. It was brilliantly self-deprecating in a charming way.

Anyway, which type of fan am I? Come on, you won't offend me. Though I might post about it and call you a 5 year old ;)

Darin said...

I think what it is with most of these Disney sites is they feel that they are better then the others. But sites like MiceChat, MousePlanet, MouseWait, Westcoaster, etc etc etc don't realize is that their all a copies of each other. MiceChats a copy MousePlanet, Westcoaster is a copy of MiceChat, yadda yadda yadda etc etc etc (you get the point) but they all talk about the same thing one way or another... Disney! So all these members who are bashing one another over whose better then who just need to get over their hugely massively overenfalted egos and move on. It's time we put these site wars to an end. I quit going to Disney blog sites (with the exception of the main one Disney puts out) altogether because of stuff like this.

A very well written article Jake, good job!

Anonymous said...

here's to wishing people would suck it up and stop being such whiny bitches sometimes!

another insightful post jake.


Anonymous said...


Wow I didn't know people are so lunatic about online opinions. If this is online forums imagine how retarded they must be in person. I say who ever has a problem with each other fighting resolves everything >:) with that being said come down to my fighting gym,sign a waiver, put mouth piece in, 4oz gloves on and settle arguments :) I promise after 2 2min rds they will leave relieved and arguing free!!

Jake very good writting. Such class when you write out your thoughts.

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