I like Bob Marley music in the morning. I enjoy painting. I prefer stuffed animals. Not the cutesy teddy bears and giraffes. I'm talking life size Gazelles and zebras. I like being messy, but in an organized manner. I like keeping my Christmas tree up way past Christmas. I once stole first base while rounding second. Had lunch with the pope in a bar. Curator of African safari jerky, and distributor of Italian sliced Hams. Climbed Pikes Peak in nothing but jogging shoes and rubber ducky boxers. I am that little ewok in the background...no not the one with the spear. The one that stands next to Han Solo. That one. I kiss exotic women, but only when the tide is in. Pepsi is the drink of choice. Helped Alicia Beth Moore come up with the stage name P!nk, while sitting at a cafe in downtown L.A. drinking blueberry smoothies. I coined the term "Bacon is meat candy". Once won a round of paintball without getting shot, and only used a pistol. Foreign cars aren't so foreign to me. Expert in poker, veteran in love, outlaw in Peru. I can bake 30 minute brownies in 15 minutes. Redbox gives me a two day movie rental for a quarter. Tweeter of facts, blogger of sorts, connoisseur of exotic sodas. My zip drives unzip themselves. While climbing a mountain in the peruvian alps, it sneezed and blew me and three sheep into the next county. I landed on my feet, in a boat with none other than Jimmy Buffet captaining the vessel. He then motored us to shore where we went to Margaritaville to drink Pina Coladas. When VW Bugs see me, they punch each other. went snowboarding two of my friends. I used a surfboard. Drinking pepsi from a glass coke-a-cola cup is considered normal. I expect the unexpected, and punch someone when they tell me to expect the unexpected. As I walk away I tell them 'Didn't expect that, now did ya?' Saved a grandmother's kitten from a tree. A beautiful feline, a regal, 23 year old blond college undergrad studying ancient Mayan medicine techniques. Asked her to marry me. She said yes. But only because she wanted to get married before the world ended in 2012. Once made a foreign film in sarcasm. No one caught on. Ate a teaspoon full of cinnamon and never choked. | |
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Bored? So am I. Read this to relieve boredom. It'll help.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Chick Fil A and my new employment!
Alright, so my phone can stop blowing up with texts questioning about my statuses on facebook and twitter, Yes I DID get the job at Chick Fil A today! On Tuesday I got a call back from the head manager asking if I was still interested in applying for a position at the company. Since no one else has called, I obviously accepted the invite for an interview.
Flash forward two days to today.
I show up to Chick Fil A a bit early for my interview, seeing that I really didn't want to be late, or even walking in right at 9:30. I grab a lemonade and wait for the manager to be ready, and we start. At first I was a little nervous, but I got comfortable, realizing to myself that I have nothing to lose, and I just have to be who I am. Why just give textbook replies, when that's not me?
So he goes over my class schedule, and makes sure that if I was potentially hired, they could find a position for me. We cover that, and go onto the rest of those questions like "can you work for long hours on your feet, deal with mad guests, work fast paced, and find work during a slow part of the day". I answer them honestly, and with a bit of humor, and towards the close of the interview, he offered me a position then and there. No "we'll be in touch in a few days" or "I'll let you know later today after talking it over". Just "would you like the position?".
Now I have to wait for the head manager to call me and schedule orientation, get my shirt size and everything else. So now I'm a part of the Chick Fil A family, and a very happy member of that family. This is a job I'll definitely really enjoy, and hope to last as long as possible.
It's been my pleasure serving you today.
> Jake
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Tech Crunch: Three Up and Coming Sites
I'm not the biggest tech guy in the world, but I do love to know what's new and up and coming. Here's some sites I think could very much hit it big in the social network world.
First off, Klout. This site is very cool, just because it gives you the statistics on how well you do 'socially' online. It lets you know how many readers you have that 'like', 'comment', 'share', 'retweet', and 'mention on Facebook and Twitter. What makes this site even better, is that you can bump up other people's reputation by +K-ing them in whatever areas they are most influential in. Definitely check this one out if you like knowing who is influential in what areas online.
Second up in the lineup: Spotify. If you haven't checked out this now American Legal site, you NEED to. Think of it like this: if iTunes and Pandora had a online musical baby, this would be it. And their baby is very, very beautiful. The site has free, and unlimited options (unlimited gives you no ads, and other goodies that rock), and gives you the chance to listen to streaming CDs on line. It also connects to your iTunes, so you can play your music from your computer if you want too. You can make playlists, share those playlists with friends who can stream them online, and vice versa. It's one of the best music sites around, and you definitely should check it out. Well worth the time.
And now for what is probably the most controversial of them all right now.
First off, Klout. This site is very cool, just because it gives you the statistics on how well you do 'socially' online. It lets you know how many readers you have that 'like', 'comment', 'share', 'retweet', and 'mention on Facebook and Twitter. What makes this site even better, is that you can bump up other people's reputation by +K-ing them in whatever areas they are most influential in. Definitely check this one out if you like knowing who is influential in what areas online.
Second up in the lineup: Spotify. If you haven't checked out this now American Legal site, you NEED to. Think of it like this: if iTunes and Pandora had a online musical baby, this would be it. And their baby is very, very beautiful. The site has free, and unlimited options (unlimited gives you no ads, and other goodies that rock), and gives you the chance to listen to streaming CDs on line. It also connects to your iTunes, so you can play your music from your computer if you want too. You can make playlists, share those playlists with friends who can stream them online, and vice versa. It's one of the best music sites around, and you definitely should check it out. Well worth the time.
And now for what is probably the most controversial of them all right now.
Ah yes, Google+. The Facebook competitor. See, I'm a huge Facebook fan. I loved it the day I signed on. In fact, I deleted my Myspace (kids, for those that don't know, Myspace was once better than facebook. google it, and you'll see.) the same day. But now, we've got what could be the biggest upset in the social networking world. The underdog could take out the heavyweight.
If you don't follow the tech world news, this is it in simple terms: google has tried to make social sites. "but wait, I've never heard of them" well, that's because they've never really gained traction in the awesome mainstream crowd.
But now, Google has developed what could be the immensely cleaner, safer site, with much more to offer. So Google has circles, and Facebook has groups. What most ignorant users on Facebook haven't realized yet, is that Google+'s site makes it far easier to post to only a certain group. In fact, that's a large part of their website is circles. Circles is how you categorize people, and what you share with what group. On top of that, with EVERYTHING else that Google has (mail, calendars, blogspot, etc.), they're eventually going to try to streamline ALL of that into Google+, so you have a one-stop shop area for all your computer needs.
Oh, and did I mention that Google+ doesn't have any of those ads on the side? The difference between Google+ and facebook is that Google+ gets their money from searches, clicks, and what they call 'adsense'. So they don't have to worry about cramming the side bars full of other company ads to generate their money, which means that you, the consumer of Google+, don't have to worry about being solicited to by whatever you type, turning into a ad on the side of your screen.
I still love Facebook, and I hope that things work out where they stay on top, but with Google+, I'm beginning to wonder who's going to be the king of this Social Networking hill for long.
With all this said, I do hope you check out these three sites. They're very user friendly, and are fun for social networking. Oh, and if you want a Google+ invite, e-mail me at mainstreetjake@yahoo.com, and I'll send you an invite.
Boy33 - where is he?
I've had a few people ask me where Boy33 is today.
One was even a question referring to him as my butt buddy. (quick address to that: boy33 has a boyfriend, and I'm 100% straight. Actually going on a date with a girl from high school soon)
Anywhoosiers, people were asking where his page was, and why it's apparently shut down. To be honest, I don't know where he is, what he's doing, or why his page is down. Whatever has happened, I wish him the best of luck with it all.
Thing is, him and I don't talk much any more due to a falling out. Don't worry, we don't hate each other and aren't sworn enemies. Nothing like that. But we just don't talk much anymore, so I don't know what he's up to. Hope this answers your guys' question.
EDIT: Thank you anonymous commenter for catching that typo. I meant to put "and aren't", instead of "and are". See, it helps when you proofread your papers, kids!
One was even a question referring to him as my butt buddy. (quick address to that: boy33 has a boyfriend, and I'm 100% straight. Actually going on a date with a girl from high school soon)
Anywhoosiers, people were asking where his page was, and why it's apparently shut down. To be honest, I don't know where he is, what he's doing, or why his page is down. Whatever has happened, I wish him the best of luck with it all.
Thing is, him and I don't talk much any more due to a falling out. Don't worry, we don't hate each other and aren't sworn enemies. Nothing like that. But we just don't talk much anymore, so I don't know what he's up to. Hope this answers your guys' question.
EDIT: Thank you anonymous commenter for catching that typo. I meant to put "and aren't", instead of "and are". See, it helps when you proofread your papers, kids!
Monday, July 25, 2011
He's an Eyebrow Pirate
I did this for some friends a while back at a party, and they said I should post it to youtube..so I finally shot this, and posted it to youtube. Feel free to share, repost, comment, subscribe, all that good stuff. Hope you enjoy this little freak show. ;)
D23 Expo
This is relatively last minute, but I just got word that I'll be attending this year's D23 event! A buddy of mine got a discounted ticket for me, and I'll be going with him on Saturday. So if you're going to be there, let me know, or if you see me, say hi! I love meeting new people, and especially those that actually read this thing.
Hope to see you guys there!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Courtesy On The Net
I feel like I've been posting negatively about things lately, but it seems to me that there are things that could be fixed, or at least enhanced, and I'm just trying to find ways to talk about doing so.
Recently I've really noticed the amount of courtesy, or just general 'table manners' or lack thereof online. It seems like people don't know how to use words on a screen effectively. So I've come up with some rules, or thoughts...whatever you wish to call them, even guidelines to help people out if you see fit.
1) CAPS LOCK MEANS YOU'RE SCREAMING ONLINE! Reading this tells your audience that you are in fact yelling across the screen. We don't like it when you scream in reality, what makes you think we like reading it like this online? It hurts our eyes to hear something that loud.
The only time caps lock should really be used is when you're emphasizing something. However, even at that, there's bold and italicized for that. Ok, you can use it if bold and italicized are unavailable, but not for your entire post. Still only best to use for one or two word emphasis at best.
2) Not using any form of punctuation to break up your sentences - Its really annoying because no one knows when you stop talking or typing plus it makes us wonder when you are going to run out of breathe from talking that much for that long we would really like a pause in between what you say so this thing doesnt turn into the world's shortest paragraph with the worlds longest run on sentence
3) txt tlk iz n0t a wai 2 typ3. - There's a reason the english language is around. There's a reason you were taught how to spell and use proper grammar all through grade school, so USE IT. (see how I used number one? Caps lock is only best used for emphasis. NOT THE ENTIRE THING)
4) Dirty Laundry - We don't care that you got into a fight with your mom. We don't even care that you and your best friend ended the friendship over a boyfriend/girlfriend. Keep the dirty laundry off the social networking sites. People can use the past to get back at you. Especially nowadays in the internet age where you can back track to virtually anything (Save that someone didn't delete it). Why let them trace back to a internet brawl? It's better just to post the positive things in life. Everyone likes reading that stuff more anyways.
Recently I've really noticed the amount of courtesy, or just general 'table manners' or lack thereof online. It seems like people don't know how to use words on a screen effectively. So I've come up with some rules, or thoughts...whatever you wish to call them, even guidelines to help people out if you see fit.
1) CAPS LOCK MEANS YOU'RE SCREAMING ONLINE! Reading this tells your audience that you are in fact yelling across the screen. We don't like it when you scream in reality, what makes you think we like reading it like this online? It hurts our eyes to hear something that loud.
The only time caps lock should really be used is when you're emphasizing something. However, even at that, there's bold and italicized for that. Ok, you can use it if bold and italicized are unavailable, but not for your entire post. Still only best to use for one or two word emphasis at best.
2) Not using any form of punctuation to break up your sentences - Its really annoying because no one knows when you stop talking or typing plus it makes us wonder when you are going to run out of breathe from talking that much for that long we would really like a pause in between what you say so this thing doesnt turn into the world's shortest paragraph with the worlds longest run on sentence
3) txt tlk iz n0t a wai 2 typ3. - There's a reason the english language is around. There's a reason you were taught how to spell and use proper grammar all through grade school, so USE IT. (see how I used number one? Caps lock is only best used for emphasis. NOT THE ENTIRE THING)
4) Dirty Laundry - We don't care that you got into a fight with your mom. We don't even care that you and your best friend ended the friendship over a boyfriend/girlfriend. Keep the dirty laundry off the social networking sites. People can use the past to get back at you. Especially nowadays in the internet age where you can back track to virtually anything (Save that someone didn't delete it). Why let them trace back to a internet brawl? It's better just to post the positive things in life. Everyone likes reading that stuff more anyways.
Friday, July 22, 2011
New Level of Attraction Headaches.
Well, you can insert your ear splitting, and eye-jarring complaints here. Comic Con displayed footage of the new Transformers 3D ride coming next Spring to Universal Studios Hollywood.
Can't really say I'm totally looking forward to this. Sure, it'll be all flashy and cool, and the technology behind the ride is going to rock. But the theme of it isn't going to rock in a good way. I may be a hater of Transformers, but when you have giant moving metal robots fighting in front of you on a regular screen, that's jarring and hard to watch as it is. Let alone in 3D, and literally right in your lap. I hope it's a lot better than the movies, and from the talk I've heard, it does sound promising. I'm just not a huge fan of the Bayhem on screen, that's the big reason why I'm so leery of the ride.
I'll give it a shot eventually, but right now, 2012 is going to be all about racing through desert mountains with Lightning McQueen, and walking through vintage Los Angeles for me.
Posted by
Red Leader
2:00 PM
things people are talking about

Day at Night - Mountains
Thursday, July 21, 2011
World Domination! Or At Least The Entertainment World.
Recently I've been having some thoughts. Nothing too in depth, just ideas and dreams of the future. Recently, I've had a friend send me a link on a news article about Lego. Being a big fan of the company, I was excited to see what this was all about. Turns out, I was definitely not disappointed.
If you get it by now, good. If you still have no idea what I'm talking about, then you must not get underlying mentions and tones. But that's okay, because I'm still going to explain it.
Marvel signed a deal with Lego to make new Lego sets featuring several characters from the Marvel universe. These aren't coming out any time soon, which is actually a good thing, considering I still have to spend my money on the Pirates sets! The Marvel Lego sets are going to be released May of 2012, so we all have time to save up for the potentially awesome bricked adventures of the Avengers.
This is where my train of thought kicked in, and actually, my mom is the one that got me thinking about this.
So major props to my mom!
So major props to my mom!
What if Marvel is the first step? You see, Disney now OWNS Marvel. So technically, Disney signed this deal with Lego. Which means Disney is making money off these future sets. But see, Disney also has a regular deal with their own company title too. Disney sets have been slowly cranking out with themes of Prince of Persia, and Pirates. Not to mention the OTHER sub company Pixar with Toy Story 3, and the recently released Cars 2 sets.
For those that are wondering why they didn't first release this...well, it comes out in November. Save your cash! I know I am.
So where am I going with this? Well, what if the relationship with Lego and Disney furthers? Will we see more sets being made from other films? Also, what if they got into the model sets and made Disney park model sets? I'm sure people outside the Disney fan community would fork out enough to build a model of the famous castle. Maybe even Big Thunder, or Matterhorn. They wouldn't be huge sets, but a good enough size to get your money's worth. However, that's getting off-track a bit.
The question stands though: WHAT IF Disney and Lego become REAL close. Will we eventually see a buy-out of at least part of lego? Imagine of Disney bought out LegoLand, or at least the operations to it. I know the park would enhance eve more, and that could very well open up land opportunities for more west coast parks; just spread out a bit farther. But that could bring in a good thing for the rest of the company with possibly a west coast version of Magic Express, or whatever they call it in Florida, AND the DVC could open up great deals on two-place stays in Anaheim and Carlsbad.
It's all a VERY big pipe dream, but I think eventually something like this is possible. Here's hoping something like this happens in the future. I'd definitely be a very happy fanboy if my two favorite companies merged like this.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Tales from behind the desk.
I've been following this site for a bit, and I want to get the word out even more. Danielle is a ex-Disneyland Cast Member, and she has a blog about her experiences and stories from backstage Disney. It doesn't give out anything it shouldn't, but it's great stories of guest interaction she had experienced over her time of being a Cast Member. If you like hearing personal stories of Cast Members, then you should DEFINITELY check this site out. It's well worth a read, and even a subscription.
Tales Of a Disneyland Cast Member
Tales Of a Disneyland Cast Member
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Day Into Night
Ever have a bad day, then come home, and do something that calms you down? What is it that you do to calm yourself?
For me, it's late night photography, with some quiet music playing. I went outside my house tonight and was listening to some Yanni, and toyed with the camera, to see what I could get out of the night. With a thirty second shutter delay, a lot that is left in the dark, comes out in the light. You just have to look for it.
For me, it's late night photography, with some quiet music playing. I went outside my house tonight and was listening to some Yanni, and toyed with the camera, to see what I could get out of the night. With a thirty second shutter delay, a lot that is left in the dark, comes out in the light. You just have to look for it.
Well, some have been begging me to re-open my formspring account. Not going to happen. I don't have a problem overall with the anonymous button, but when people use it to push the limits, that's when I draw the line. It's supposed to be fun, not all out debates on heavy topics all the time. Heck, it even cost a good friendship with me. I don't want that to happen again.
Thing is, people ask questions, then I give them my honest answer, they don't like it, and then go on a rage spree. If you don't like what I answered, deal with it. You're the one that asked in the first place, which means there's a 50/50 chance of getting an answer you like or not.
In regards to friendships and acquaintances, I really don't want to lose any more because of the site. It caused me enough grief as it is, and because of differing views on some heavy topics, people didn't want to be my friend, which they have the right to be or not, but I would hope that we could at least put the differences we DO have aside, and be friends on the things we agree on/have in common.
At the end of all this, I've discontinued my formspring. If you DO wish to know more of my thoughts on something, leave a comment on here, send me an e-mail at mainstreetjake@yahoo.com, or tweet at me (@mainstreetjake). Oh, and I just now have google+, so if you want to add me on there, feel free! Just look for "Jacob W." or try this link...not sure if it'll work or not. https://plus.google.com/u/0/113649361118023616139/posts
Thing is, people ask questions, then I give them my honest answer, they don't like it, and then go on a rage spree. If you don't like what I answered, deal with it. You're the one that asked in the first place, which means there's a 50/50 chance of getting an answer you like or not.
In regards to friendships and acquaintances, I really don't want to lose any more because of the site. It caused me enough grief as it is, and because of differing views on some heavy topics, people didn't want to be my friend, which they have the right to be or not, but I would hope that we could at least put the differences we DO have aside, and be friends on the things we agree on/have in common.
At the end of all this, I've discontinued my formspring. If you DO wish to know more of my thoughts on something, leave a comment on here, send me an e-mail at mainstreetjake@yahoo.com, or tweet at me (@mainstreetjake). Oh, and I just now have google+, so if you want to add me on there, feel free! Just look for "Jacob W." or try this link...not sure if it'll work or not. https://plus.google.com/u/0/113649361118023616139/posts
Posted by
Red Leader
10:58 AM
things people are talking about

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Late night long boarding.
Teaching my sister how to longboard is an interesting time. Half the time she's falling, the other half just moving without turning or anything, but hey, it's all baby steps. Had a good time just chilling with her though!
And since we're both photographers...
And since we're both photographers...
Posted by
Red Leader
10:23 PM
1 things people are talking about

Monday, July 11, 2011
Fuh-reeeeeeee Sluuuuuur-piiiiieeeeeeeees!
My awesome sisters and I went down to the 7-11 for the best day of the year. No joke, this day is better than Boxing Day, National Grandparents day, and Cinco De Mayo all combined. It's still better than that.
or is it...
but when you break it down on either spelling....
Slur-pee sounds like a drawn out urination issue....
slur-pie......sounds like you're throwing baked pastries.
why you'd be doing either is beyond me, but I'm talking about those free frozen flavored fantasies in a cup.
and my sisters and I got some for free today! I love 7-11.
Her first slurpee!
We kids rock.
or is it...
but when you break it down on either spelling....
Slur-pee sounds like a drawn out urination issue....
slur-pie......sounds like you're throwing baked pastries.
why you'd be doing either is beyond me, but I'm talking about those free frozen flavored fantasies in a cup.
and my sisters and I got some for free today! I love 7-11.
Her first slurpee!
We kids rock.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Autobots, Roll Out
Had another movie marathon at the house yesterday. Again it was a lot of fun. These parties are really laid back, and usually we hardly even pay attention to the movies..we just put them on, watch and talk. It just gives a good excuse to get a bunch of people together to hang out. Oh, and then bombard the local theater with 30+ people to see a showing of a movie.
Thanks to my buddy @alexander247 on twitter, I'm now hooked on the Dermandar app. Group shot of the party.
Picking up Ghetto-off-brand-but-still-amazingly-delicious-sodas with the "this is my asian smile" Samoan.
"I don't like the first shot. Lets take a second." "brooke you're such a girl.."
Ghetto soda!
and ghetto pizza! We're such awesome people.
oh, and a final shot of where all the ladies were. I know, I know, its a kitchen joke, but it was too funny not to pass up.
I'm hoping to do another sequel party, and I'm definitely not doing one for Harry Potter...that'd take way too long. But There'll eventually be another party for a movie sequel in the future! Apparently people like coming to these..
Thanks to my buddy @alexander247 on twitter, I'm now hooked on the Dermandar app. Group shot of the party.
Picking up Ghetto-off-brand-but-still-amazingly-delicious-sodas with the "this is my asian smile" Samoan.
"I don't like the first shot. Lets take a second." "brooke you're such a girl.."
We're the awesome people who dared driving the ghetto slums of town to bring....
Ghetto soda!
and ghetto pizza! We're such awesome people.
oh, and a final shot of where all the ladies were. I know, I know, its a kitchen joke, but it was too funny not to pass up.
I'm hoping to do another sequel party, and I'm definitely not doing one for Harry Potter...that'd take way too long. But There'll eventually be another party for a movie sequel in the future! Apparently people like coming to these..
Posted by
Red Leader
4:17 PM
little caesars,
sequel parties,
things people are talking about

Friday, July 8, 2011
CBS: Corrected Boston Shots
So the media is in a Frenzy that CBS doctored shots of famous Boston landmarks, with shots of the 4th of July fireworks being blasted off on the Charles River. Some are saying it's 'misleading'.
Well, these people really must not work in the entertainment business, or even know much about it, because a good amount of the time their favorite shows and films are shot on sound stages, or in various other locations designed to look like the intended location. The thing is, it's JUST a firework show. So you can't see the fireworks from the back of Fenway, State House, or Quincy Market. But when you look at how long you have to film the show, versus the amount of angles going to keep things running smooth, ONTOP of presenting famous American landmarks, OF COURSE you're going to doctor the shots. Geez, I mean they had me convinced when I saw the video.
With all this, I think people are complaining just to complain. I don't think you'd be able to see the fireworks going off on the Hudson River from Times Square, the Chrysler Building, or Empire State Building. Even Yankee Stadium for that matter. It's America. The fireworks show CBS Presented to its televised audience was more than likely (judging here, considering I've no affiliation with CBS at the time of writing) designed to present the fireworks as a collage of not only fireworks, but the famous locations inside Boston that make up what Boston is.
People will always find something to complain about. Even their own Patriotism.
Well, these people really must not work in the entertainment business, or even know much about it, because a good amount of the time their favorite shows and films are shot on sound stages, or in various other locations designed to look like the intended location. The thing is, it's JUST a firework show. So you can't see the fireworks from the back of Fenway, State House, or Quincy Market. But when you look at how long you have to film the show, versus the amount of angles going to keep things running smooth, ONTOP of presenting famous American landmarks, OF COURSE you're going to doctor the shots. Geez, I mean they had me convinced when I saw the video.
With all this, I think people are complaining just to complain. I don't think you'd be able to see the fireworks going off on the Hudson River from Times Square, the Chrysler Building, or Empire State Building. Even Yankee Stadium for that matter. It's America. The fireworks show CBS Presented to its televised audience was more than likely (judging here, considering I've no affiliation with CBS at the time of writing) designed to present the fireworks as a collage of not only fireworks, but the famous locations inside Boston that make up what Boston is.
People will always find something to complain about. Even their own Patriotism.
Posted by
Red Leader
6:35 PM
fireworks fourth of july
1 things people are talking about

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Wizard Love - Harry Potter Music Video - Meekakitty Featuring heyhihello
I'm not even a fan of Harry Potter...but this song is really pretty cool. Check it out!
Leg of....Jake? Not Lamb?
So some have been asking what I did to my leg, because they only see part of the conversation on twitter or facebook. So to explain again for the peeps walking into church late:
I went to Newport with family last weekend, and went Skimboarding and boogie boarding. Nothing out of the norm for me. I'm still relatively new to Skimboarding, getting my footing right and gauging the water...so I fell a lot. Over a six hour period of time, falling a lot on really rough sand will rough up your skin. Even to the point of drawing a small trickle of blood.
Just like any other scab, I left it alone. But four or five days later the scab got hot, and swelled. I waited a day or two thinking it was just a bug bite at the same area, and it'd pass. Nope.
So Monday (4th of July), my mom wouldn't let me wait anymore and loaded me up and took me to the ER to get it checked. Turns out some little bug in that big ocean (amazing and a bit ironic, right?) decided it wanted to take a ride back to the valley, and use my leg as transportation. So my leg got infected, they gave me two types of antibiotics that are insanely powerful, and from taking them over JUST the last two days, the swelling is gone. The heat inside it is still there, but everything is subsiding really well, really quick. I go to my regular physician tomorrow. By tomorrow this time, there won't be anything to show him!
So now you guys know whats up. Thank you all for the kind words, thoughts and prayers of quick healing. I appreciate it! :)
Now I gotta plan another skimboarding trip..
I went to Newport with family last weekend, and went Skimboarding and boogie boarding. Nothing out of the norm for me. I'm still relatively new to Skimboarding, getting my footing right and gauging the water...so I fell a lot. Over a six hour period of time, falling a lot on really rough sand will rough up your skin. Even to the point of drawing a small trickle of blood.
Just like any other scab, I left it alone. But four or five days later the scab got hot, and swelled. I waited a day or two thinking it was just a bug bite at the same area, and it'd pass. Nope.
So Monday (4th of July), my mom wouldn't let me wait anymore and loaded me up and took me to the ER to get it checked. Turns out some little bug in that big ocean (amazing and a bit ironic, right?) decided it wanted to take a ride back to the valley, and use my leg as transportation. So my leg got infected, they gave me two types of antibiotics that are insanely powerful, and from taking them over JUST the last two days, the swelling is gone. The heat inside it is still there, but everything is subsiding really well, really quick. I go to my regular physician tomorrow. By tomorrow this time, there won't be anything to show him!
So now you guys know whats up. Thank you all for the kind words, thoughts and prayers of quick healing. I appreciate it! :)
Now I gotta plan another skimboarding trip..
Posted by
Red Leader
8:36 AM
boogie boarding,
things people are talking about

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Bajo La Lluvia, Nos Besamos.

Laying on my bed, chatting with friends on facebook, and listening to the phenomenal Spanish duo that is Rodrigo Y Gabriela...couldn't help but think about kissing some girl in the rain as one of their songs plays in the background. Now the question is...why does it seem so awesome to kiss in a foreign country as the native music is playing? Is it the adventure? The out of the norm, away from daily life? I don't know, but it's cool.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
"You need to find yourself a girl, mate."
talking to @Chrisfourmont and @mycroft16 on twitter about the subject, and it got me thinking.
For the most part, guys are far more out of control and weird when they don't have a girl in their life. I just posted this on twitter:
For the most part, guys are far more out of control and weird when they don't have a girl in their life. I just posted this on twitter:
Dear unbreakable tupperwear and knife that can cut through anything,
My money is on the knife.
Sincerely, let the battle begin!
Because when I'm dating a girl, I don't do stuff like this. (granted I found this on Dear Blank Please Blank, I still wanna try it..)
Heck, last night I was hanging out with a buddy and we shot roman candles across the street. Nearly hit a powerline. And a car (parked, and mine).
Then Chris gets all "you need a new hobby" and then Adam gets all "or a girl". Both statements are true.
But can we go for the girl first? I really don't wanna change my fireworks hobby just yet.
Fourth of July
So my fourth of July was rather unorthodox. I ended up in the emergency room. No, not because a friend and I had a roman candle war. It was because I somehow contracted a infection in a scrape I got while skimboarding in Newport Beach last weekend.
It started out as just any other leg scrape. Just some shredded skim, then the scab....but then it didn't just eventually fall off. It started to get warm, and swell. So after dealing with this for two days, I was closely watching it, and finally my mom couldn't take it any more, and we were off to the ER in the morning.
I get checked in, and wait.
And wait.
And wait.
Totally felt like I was Phil..but at least I remember why I was there.
Me and my mom.
This thing sucks.
Finally we're called back, the doctor looks at my leg, comes to the conclusion that its infected, and that I need some heavy doses of anti-biotics. So now I've got these pills that even horses are afraid to swallow, and an insane amount of drowsiness from them to boot.
But after getting out of the ER, I grabbed some El Pollo Loco with my mama and went back home. The nighttime was a LOT better, considering the fireworks we shot off. See, living outside of the town, we can get a way with more things. I had a friend come over with his stash of awesomely colorful explosives. We all had a great time shooting roman candles across the street. Hurt my leg to stand for a bit though..but overall it was a LOT of fun.
It started out as just any other leg scrape. Just some shredded skim, then the scab....but then it didn't just eventually fall off. It started to get warm, and swell. So after dealing with this for two days, I was closely watching it, and finally my mom couldn't take it any more, and we were off to the ER in the morning.
I get checked in, and wait.
And wait.
And wait.
Totally felt like I was Phil..but at least I remember why I was there.
Me and my mom.
This thing sucks.
Finally we're called back, the doctor looks at my leg, comes to the conclusion that its infected, and that I need some heavy doses of anti-biotics. So now I've got these pills that even horses are afraid to swallow, and an insane amount of drowsiness from them to boot.
But after getting out of the ER, I grabbed some El Pollo Loco with my mama and went back home. The nighttime was a LOT better, considering the fireworks we shot off. See, living outside of the town, we can get a way with more things. I had a friend come over with his stash of awesomely colorful explosives. We all had a great time shooting roman candles across the street. Hurt my leg to stand for a bit though..but overall it was a LOT of fun.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Venting...but only a little.
Be polite to all, but intimate with few. ~ Thomas Jefferson
Those words by Thomas Jefferson are definite words to live by. I don't use my blog to vent much, because I really find it pointless. But this has been ongoing, and I feel that it's something that should be addressed.
I'm tired of being mistaken for flirting with girls. There is a defining difference between a man being a gentleman, and flirting with you. Trust me, my flirting is incredibly obvious. I'm terrible at playing that card low. It may be really hard to comprehend, but there ARE just good guys who are respectful and nice to other people. It's not flirting when I compliment you on your shirt, or shoes. That is merely a compliment, and left at that.
If I'm interested in you, I will let you know. Otherwise, we're just friends, and I'm merely complimenting you. Nothing more, nothing less.
Now back to those fireworks...
Those words by Thomas Jefferson are definite words to live by. I don't use my blog to vent much, because I really find it pointless. But this has been ongoing, and I feel that it's something that should be addressed.
I'm tired of being mistaken for flirting with girls. There is a defining difference between a man being a gentleman, and flirting with you. Trust me, my flirting is incredibly obvious. I'm terrible at playing that card low. It may be really hard to comprehend, but there ARE just good guys who are respectful and nice to other people. It's not flirting when I compliment you on your shirt, or shoes. That is merely a compliment, and left at that.
If I'm interested in you, I will let you know. Otherwise, we're just friends, and I'm merely complimenting you. Nothing more, nothing less.
Now back to those fireworks...
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Summer Fishing
Going to the aqueduct!
Gettin' all artsy!
8:30 PM....and it's 90° outside.
Le Photographe!
Random Barrel!
Gettin' ready!
Not sure what was going on...
Holy Vans...literally.
So very much in love with this shot.
And this one.
I love my sister...but really!? lol she got a shot of me in my natural state! ;-)
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