Saturday, September 1, 2012

Friday's Gone Monday

Most of the time you'd think Fridays are the best day of the week. Especially with a three day weekend creeping up on your radar. Admittedly, my Friday started out really good. Work was easy going. Pranked some people by taping an air horn to the wall behind their office door. When they open the door, air horn goes off, papers fly, and then retaliation ensues. 

Not just the prank, but a end of the month party with free pizza and sodas made the day a lot of fun. Especially when we all sat down in the great room, and watched Hunger Games. 

But this is where it turns south for the afternoon. 

You see, I work with developmentally disabled adults. You may know it as autism, retardation, etc. So these clients I work with are typically and normally really good and mild mannered. After all, it's our job to keep them that way, and ensure that the best of interests is kept for them. 

A client in our room kept acting up, and we told this person not to keep acting up, otherwise everyone else was going to get a treat, and he/she wasn't. Well, their irritation grew (sometimes this just happens, no matter what we can do to help it.) and we tried to calm them down, and with no luck. Well, in the event of all this, the client ended up biting my bicep. 

I'm fine, no worries. But I had to take off and go get it checked out and start a round of Hep B shots. I end up waiting at workman's comp for a while, and I'm getting nervous, because I had somewhere else to be at 5:00pm, and it was eating away at my time. I had to still get ready and cleaned up from work, too!

So, doctor comes in, gives me the first round of Hep B shots, and then says "Oh yea, we're gonna test you for HIV, and other Hepatitis viruses. Go down the block to the blood bank." So now I have to wait for the rest of the paperwork to file through before I can leave. 

As I finally get the paperwork done, I walk to the blood bank down the street, wait again. File more papers. Wait, wait, wait....oh hey! They called me. I go back and wait again.

They stick this decent sized needle in my arm, and then add the vile to start drawing blood. Now, I'm not usually one to get super squeamish about this, but seeing the steady flow of blood lap over it's self as it rushes into the vile was really creepy to me. 

As they finished up, I rushed out of there, and then onto Target. I mean, I had to look presentable, and not just in some geek t-shirt. I still surprise myself though. I can make it out of Target in under $40. I ran in, found a plaid button up shirt on the discount rack, a white t-shirt to go under it, hair gel (because mine was a mess), and a pack of gum. $31.78 later, I ran into the bathroom of the store, and changed in the stall. As I walk to the sink to do my hair really quick, an older gentleman walks in and begins to wash his hands, and our conversation goes like this...

Man: Goin' somewhere spiffy?

Me: Yea, it's been a crazy day, and I didn't have time to go back cross town to my house to change. 

Man: heehee, I understand son. I've been there myself a few times before. 

Me: Oh yea? 

Man: Yes sir. Back in the day, I was always running late. Ended up doing the exact same thing you're doing right now. 

Me: Well, it must be a dude thing then, huh? 

Man: Sure is. So's buying flowers to make up for possibly being late. Don't keep her waiting too long, son.

Me: Speechless.

How did this dude know? Must have been wisdom with age. But I picked up some flowers, and went on my way for the evening...

1 comment:

Casey said...

This thing screams date!! Lol I figured it out before the old man did.

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