Thursday, March 28, 2013

Life is....what?

I've been thinking a lot lately about things. Evaluating a lot in my life. I'm in a pretty alright spot. Good job, good family, good girlfriend, good schooling...the list goes on. But just like many others, I facebook stalk. Who needs reality television when you can watch someone's daily journal of posts and photos unfold every few hours in front of your eyes?

As I grow up from being a legitimate kid to being a full-blown adult, things change. Your perspectives grow harsher and more narrow than before when you had a spectrum of concepts and less cares to worry about as a child. I'm of the age to think about what I'm really going to do with my life. How successful do I really want to be with my career. When do I want to get married, start a family, travel to which destination on my rare vacations from work? So on and so forth.

This isn't judging. This is me questioning and looking for answers.

But with growing up, comes the age to do things without your parents consent, which would have been severely objected to by them when you were a mere two to three years younger. Young adults around my age having a kid outside of being married, not having a job, and then arguing with their significant other online in public areas for the rest of us to watch makes me really consider how I want my life to be, and wonder where theirs went 'wrong'. I put wrong in quotations like that because who knows if it's wrong or not. It could be wrong to me, but not to someone else, and I'm not here to judge. But I wonder how peoples lives will play out. Will the young adults child someday rise from the societal so-called mistake his/her parent make, and make something of themselves like Oprah did from her poverty, or Eminem from his trailer park life in Detroit? Or will they lose hope and fall into the titled 'rut' of "well, this is as good as its going to get" and not contribute to anything else in the world? How will the parents feel if their child succeeds them in life? Will they be proud that they made it better than they could provide, or would they be jealous that they couldn't do as good as their child, and attempt to piggyback their success?

It makes me wonder what I can do to make my life easier and less of a potential struggle than what others I see go through. How I can live as simple, fun and stress-less life. I don't know what my tomorrow is going to bring, but I pray that I can figure out how to handle anything that comes my way, and do it respectfully and right in the way of treating everyone else around me with class and hope that it does some good.

I just hope that in the end, I can look back at things and know that no matter what, I did the best that I could for any situation I was in, and that it led to being a good positive in my life for the future to come. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God will never give us more than what we can handle... WITH HIS HELP. But, remember, He wants us to ask for His help.

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