Monday, February 27, 2012

Quick Note Tonight...

Thinking about some iPhone 5 features I'd like to see. 

  •  Front screen rotation. When you use your phone horizontally, your apps rotate 90° to accommodate the tilt of your phone. 
  • Use of a wireless airplay from phone to iMac/MacBooks, and vice versa in iTunes. Think of it as tapping into iTunes over 3/4G or Wifi and being able to play what's in your iTunes library without having to upload the film/show to your phone/iPad, decreasing phone/iPad space.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dancing The Years Away

It's a pain thinking so deeply so late at night sometimes. You end up staying up thinking of things that go from one thing to another and then another. Tonight, I'm thinking about age and romance. You see, my girlfriend has a photo of her a few years ago with her grandparents. Unfortunately, her granddad passed away a while back, and the anniversary of his death is very close to this time of year. Her grandmother (and I consider mine as well) has a hard time with this time of year, because her love is no longer with her. I mean, this is a couple that danced in the kitchen, and grandpa kissed grandma on the cheek just because. Brought her flowers out of the blue, and wrote poems and stories for her. A real life Carl and Ellie. And it got me thinking when I saw the photo, that there's nothing more in the world than pure romance like that. With divorce rates so high, and young couples just sleeping around and catching who knows what STD, and not even knowing names of their sleeping partner of the Friday night, it really drives me away from anything like that, and more towards that pure romance and undying love.

I'm only nineteen, but I'm tired of hearing my friends talk about what binge party they went to, and how many times they had sex with random people. That isn't fun to me. I'd rather go out to a quiet dinner and then go back to my girlfriends or my house with our families and watch a movie together. And I want to dance in the kitchen. I want to be just like my girlfriends grandparents and have a love that lasts 50, 60,70 years. And when we get older, I still want to come home to her with flowers, and while we cook dinner, take her by the hand and slow dance. I want to just hold her hand as we read a book on the couch. I want to be on our knees together before bed praying together as a couple. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but it seems to me that the old fashion way of doing things brings less drama, and less complications to things when you follow the rules and guidelines set before our generations.

I'm going to bed now, and I'm thinking of how amazing it is that I have people like my girlfriend's grandparents to look up to as a model for my own relationship with their granddaughter. It's reassuring knowing there's still strong love out there in the world. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Facebook Ideas

I'm a huge fan of Facebook. I love the website for everything it is. However with looking at the site, there's a few ideas that I would definitely love to have as a user. Note, this isn't anything Zuckerburg and the coders in blue may have up their sleeves.  I don't have any idea what they're doing to change it. These are all merely my own ideas.

  • Ticker - no one really likes this on its own. But everyone likes the newsfeed. However with the way the newsfeed is laid out right now, you get "top stories" (from like, the entire week, and things most people don't care about), and recent news. Why not get rid of top stories, and utilize the ticker as your homepage, where it's a constant stream of news flowing, and then when you're on another page aside from the home newsfeed page, it goes back to the mini ticker? Some would question about missing news pieces they might want to see. Well that's where the top stories comes back into play, and from your friends list, the top stories (posts that have the most comments) would be compiled into hour by hour lists of the day. So if you log off at 1PM, and get back on at 7PM, and want to see what you missed, you can check the top stories from each of those hour blocks (1-2pm, 2-3, 3-4, and so on). 
  • This one might stir up controversy, but just like what you can do with yourself, it would be great to go back and see what people liked/commented on from the past, and not just their own posts on their time line. Open the activity log for everyone, and not just closed off to each person.
  • On your timeline, stop showing friends on a bigger window to the right. There's a reason you have that smaller window at the top next to your info. 
And for now, that'll be it. But as ideas come to mind, I'll post more. What do you think of these?

Returning...with change

It's been crazy lately. I have been resisting posting, just because there has been so much going on, and I've liked my privacy about things. I'm trying to find things to blog about that I'm dealing with, but making sure that the names/places of things can change so people outside the computer don't get hurt. What I'm getting at is that I'm wanting to write out what I'm going through, but without damaging others, writing it more fictitiously so other people could relate to the stories. I haven't been down to Disneyland since December, and I've been really low key on any news in general.

Maybe its because I've had other life priorities in place besides Disney. I've gotten cool backstage footage of some stuff that I'm not going to release, but other than that, I've had it on the back burner. There's some things I want to do with my blog, but  overall, I'm not sure which route I want to take my blog, because I like covering broad topics of my interests and hobbies, and also relating things to my personal life. What would you guys like to see on here in regards to writing? Let me know. Leave a comment down below, or e-mail me at Or if you're on twitter, the link's in the side bar.

Now that I've got this written, I'm off to the beach to go skim boarding. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Some have asked where my blog has gone. Why it's dropped off the radar and why there hasn't been any new posts going on lately. Well, to answer that question, I'll tell you that I've really enjoyed my privacy and really enjoyed not writing lately. It's not that I've fallen out of my love of writing and expressing my thoughts, because that's still a strong passion of mine. However, I've had family see what I post, whether it be on facebook or here, and they have given me grief for it. From my relationship with my girlfriend, to getting my first speeding ticket, it's just a constant stream of negativity and questioning from them about how I'm living my life.

Not that I'm doing anything I ultimately shouldn't, because that's not the case. I'm still living my life just like I always have: by keeping it as fun and positive as possible. It's just insane to see how people can try to tear you down.

I'm going to leave it at this: I appreciate wisdom being given to me from older people, and take it to heart when I know I need to. But when it comes from the mouth of fools, I tend to bypass it. This does include family, and I'll refrain from names. I don't drink, I don't smoke, and unless you get me REALLY mad, you won't hear any language from me either. I don't believe in premarital sex. I don't see why people feel the need to question my life when I'm not damaging it in any way.

Some have said that I'm moving too fast with my girlfriend. Well, since we're living our lives strongly through our faith, then I don't see how people can say that, when all we want is to just be very committed to each other. Admittedly, we're both old fashion. I gave her a promise ring that physically symbolizes our relationship and commitment to each other. It's not an engagement ring. It's just a ring to show that we're both staying with each other. To some of you this is probably about as foreign as hearing Chinese for the first time.

For those questioning if she's the one for me, and how do I REALLY know if it's right: I have never felt more comfortable with a girl than I do her. Back in high school, and even recently I had to come up with a list of what I'd love to see in a future spouse, and from the little things (loves to cuddle up and watch movies), to the bigger things (same faith as myself, comes from a strong and close family), she has matched, and then some that I didn't even have on my list. She's the girl that can get me to smile on the worst day possible, and just talking to her for a few minutes on the phone can de-stress me. She is someone I can see myself with years from now dancing in the kitchen, or paying bills together, and so much more. I'm extremely happy to be her boyfriend, and I'm ecstatic to see what our future brings. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I just..know.

Yes, I got a speeding ticket. A lot of people have. I'm not a heathen devil child because of it. I was going 12 miles over (67 in a 55), and yes I'll fess up and say that I'm at fault for it. It happens. Stop bringing it up as if I'm a serial killer.

To sort of end this thing, I'm really tired of my family gossiping and talking about my life. There's a reason I don't have a lot of them on facebook because my facebook is reserved for those that know how to take a friend's life as they read through, and just enjoy it as a story. I don't need the world to know what I'm up to, and the people that are on my facebook have that same mentality. Who we share our info with is vital, and when gossip minded people see my info and wrongly share it, I don't appreciate that. So to the family members and friends reading this, understand that I do love you, and care for you, however due to your own actions, you're not going to really know what I'm doing unless I want you to. 

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