Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Y'know, girls are funny little things. They can suck you in with a bat of the eyelashes, and then whip you away and never look back. I've struck out, fouled out, and grounded out more than I ever have lately. First there was the break up and fight between a friend and that girlfriend. Then there was getting stood up at the beach, and then now there was the girl that decided to bring another dude to the show.

I'm a simple man, with simple likes and dislikes. And I'm finding it kinda hard to find what I want in a girl in high school, especially in a place where all the girls know each other somehow, and the only time they get a long is when they're talking about their current boyfriend and how much of a jerk he was/is, and who needs to break up with who.

I'm tired of having to run around the block to get to know someone because they "like me" too much, and "don't know what to say around me". Look, I'm a chill guy, I really don't care what we talk about, as long as the other person contributes to it, instead of me pining for questions and subject topics.

Is it too much to ask for a girl that's a devout Christian, not into drama, likes me for me, wants to wear my sweatshirt just so she can think of me when I'm not there, and knows how to enjoy life? I could go on, but that's for another potential post.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Wonders of the Techno World.

After a great service (as always) at Relevant, we had a pretty fun conversation on the way home, and I really don't know how it all got started, but it was pretty cool. We started talking about the future of technology, and how things will be different over time. These are all just dream ideas, and if they're in the works, then awesome! We're not going to file a lawsuit against Mac for idea theft or anything. :P

What are home movies going to be like in the future?
We came up with an idea of tiny, 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch USB - like device that contains the movie, and bonus features, etc. You would simply plug it in, and it'd either be viewable like a regular film would be, or, could download to your television's memory bank, and the USB device could be stored away. It'd be like a digital copy you already get with DVD's.
That's the little idea we were talking about, haha.
I've got to get back to blogging more. I haven't really thought of anything to blog about. I've got blogger's block. ;) If you have an idea, please, do leave a comment of your idea, and I'll probably write about it.
Until Next Time,
> Jake

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Um, of Umbridge.

Went and saw Alice in Wonderland last night. I have got to say, this is a really awesome film. I already liked it from the trailer, but I liked it even more after seeing it all. The newcomer Mia Wasikowska was great as Alice, and Johnny Depp was phenomenal as the Hatter. There actually was a story to follow this time! I've always seen the classic Disney film as just Alice's dream, but within that dream, just scenes with really nice fades between the scenes. Tim's Alice in Wonderland has a well developed story. Alice is a 19 year old who is stuck between wanting to still be a child, but forced to grow up. Now, I'm not going to bring in a lot of details for those of you who havent' seen it yet. She falls through the rabbit hole, and is immersed in this war between the red and white queens. The story from here, is just fun, and really well written, even just for a fun dreamy film. The graphics were really awesome. I know some will trip out with me saying this, but I almost liked Alice's graphics more than Avatar. I liked Avatar for the new technology, and welcome the new technology with open arms. However, Avatar lacked a deep story, and was just pretty on the top. Alice had a great story, with a world that perfectly matched that story. Think of it this way. Avatar was a shallow supermodel. Beautiful on the outside, raw and boring on the inside. Whereas Alice in Wonderland was you're normal, cute girl. Pretty on the outside, and pretty on the inside too. I'd love to see Tim Burton make a "sequel" to this, and go back to Alice's first visit to Wonderland. Heck, I'd love to see this dude do a live action version of Sleeping Beauty. Only one can dream..and hope it becomes a reality.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Chatting with the Mice.

Gosh...I've had a LOT of fun posting back and forth on the Lounge boards this past week. Here's the link to the thread, and if you've got time on your hands, I'd suggest reading it. It's rather humorous in parts.
I start out asking if anyone has ever been "hit" on at Disneyland, and we all go off on a total tangent about anything and everything. It's probably the funnest thread I've gotten to be a part of yet.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Funny The Way It Is...

"Isn't it funny when the other fellow takes a long time to do something, he's slow; but when I take a long time to do something, I'm thorough. When the other fellow doesn't do it, he's too lazy; but when I don't do it, I'm too busy. When the other fellow goes ahead and does something without being told, he's overstepping his bounds; but when I go ahead and do something without being told, that's initiative! When the other fellow states his side of the question strongly, he's bullheaded; but when I state a side of a question strongly, I'm being firm. When the other fellow overlooks a few rules of etiquette, he's rude; but when I skip a few of the rules, I'm original. When the other fellow does something that pleases the boss, he's polishing brass; but when I do something that pleases the boss, that's cooperation. When the other fellow gets ahead, he sure had the lucky breaks; but when I manage to get ahead, Man! My hard work did that! Funny, is it not...or is it?"

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