Thursday, March 4, 2010

Funny The Way It Is...

"Isn't it funny when the other fellow takes a long time to do something, he's slow; but when I take a long time to do something, I'm thorough. When the other fellow doesn't do it, he's too lazy; but when I don't do it, I'm too busy. When the other fellow goes ahead and does something without being told, he's overstepping his bounds; but when I go ahead and do something without being told, that's initiative! When the other fellow states his side of the question strongly, he's bullheaded; but when I state a side of a question strongly, I'm being firm. When the other fellow overlooks a few rules of etiquette, he's rude; but when I skip a few of the rules, I'm original. When the other fellow does something that pleases the boss, he's polishing brass; but when I do something that pleases the boss, that's cooperation. When the other fellow gets ahead, he sure had the lucky breaks; but when I manage to get ahead, Man! My hard work did that! Funny, is it not...or is it?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true. We should all keep these words in mind before casting dispersions on others.

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