Sunday, March 7, 2010

Um, of Umbridge.

Went and saw Alice in Wonderland last night. I have got to say, this is a really awesome film. I already liked it from the trailer, but I liked it even more after seeing it all. The newcomer Mia Wasikowska was great as Alice, and Johnny Depp was phenomenal as the Hatter. There actually was a story to follow this time! I've always seen the classic Disney film as just Alice's dream, but within that dream, just scenes with really nice fades between the scenes. Tim's Alice in Wonderland has a well developed story. Alice is a 19 year old who is stuck between wanting to still be a child, but forced to grow up. Now, I'm not going to bring in a lot of details for those of you who havent' seen it yet. She falls through the rabbit hole, and is immersed in this war between the red and white queens. The story from here, is just fun, and really well written, even just for a fun dreamy film. The graphics were really awesome. I know some will trip out with me saying this, but I almost liked Alice's graphics more than Avatar. I liked Avatar for the new technology, and welcome the new technology with open arms. However, Avatar lacked a deep story, and was just pretty on the top. Alice had a great story, with a world that perfectly matched that story. Think of it this way. Avatar was a shallow supermodel. Beautiful on the outside, raw and boring on the inside. Whereas Alice in Wonderland was you're normal, cute girl. Pretty on the outside, and pretty on the inside too. I'd love to see Tim Burton make a "sequel" to this, and go back to Alice's first visit to Wonderland. Heck, I'd love to see this dude do a live action version of Sleeping Beauty. Only one can dream..and hope it becomes a reality.

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