Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Some have asked where my blog has gone. Why it's dropped off the radar and why there hasn't been any new posts going on lately. Well, to answer that question, I'll tell you that I've really enjoyed my privacy and really enjoyed not writing lately. It's not that I've fallen out of my love of writing and expressing my thoughts, because that's still a strong passion of mine. However, I've had family see what I post, whether it be on facebook or here, and they have given me grief for it. From my relationship with my girlfriend, to getting my first speeding ticket, it's just a constant stream of negativity and questioning from them about how I'm living my life.

Not that I'm doing anything I ultimately shouldn't, because that's not the case. I'm still living my life just like I always have: by keeping it as fun and positive as possible. It's just insane to see how people can try to tear you down.

I'm going to leave it at this: I appreciate wisdom being given to me from older people, and take it to heart when I know I need to. But when it comes from the mouth of fools, I tend to bypass it. This does include family, and I'll refrain from names. I don't drink, I don't smoke, and unless you get me REALLY mad, you won't hear any language from me either. I don't believe in premarital sex. I don't see why people feel the need to question my life when I'm not damaging it in any way.

Some have said that I'm moving too fast with my girlfriend. Well, since we're living our lives strongly through our faith, then I don't see how people can say that, when all we want is to just be very committed to each other. Admittedly, we're both old fashion. I gave her a promise ring that physically symbolizes our relationship and commitment to each other. It's not an engagement ring. It's just a ring to show that we're both staying with each other. To some of you this is probably about as foreign as hearing Chinese for the first time.

For those questioning if she's the one for me, and how do I REALLY know if it's right: I have never felt more comfortable with a girl than I do her. Back in high school, and even recently I had to come up with a list of what I'd love to see in a future spouse, and from the little things (loves to cuddle up and watch movies), to the bigger things (same faith as myself, comes from a strong and close family), she has matched, and then some that I didn't even have on my list. She's the girl that can get me to smile on the worst day possible, and just talking to her for a few minutes on the phone can de-stress me. She is someone I can see myself with years from now dancing in the kitchen, or paying bills together, and so much more. I'm extremely happy to be her boyfriend, and I'm ecstatic to see what our future brings. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I just..know.

Yes, I got a speeding ticket. A lot of people have. I'm not a heathen devil child because of it. I was going 12 miles over (67 in a 55), and yes I'll fess up and say that I'm at fault for it. It happens. Stop bringing it up as if I'm a serial killer.

To sort of end this thing, I'm really tired of my family gossiping and talking about my life. There's a reason I don't have a lot of them on facebook because my facebook is reserved for those that know how to take a friend's life as they read through, and just enjoy it as a story. I don't need the world to know what I'm up to, and the people that are on my facebook have that same mentality. Who we share our info with is vital, and when gossip minded people see my info and wrongly share it, I don't appreciate that. So to the family members and friends reading this, understand that I do love you, and care for you, however due to your own actions, you're not going to really know what I'm doing unless I want you to. 


Anonymous said...

I really hope that you have either a personal blog or journal, somewhere where you can be free of scrutiny from not only your family but from the majority of your peers.

It's unhealthy to share everything about one's life; people enjoy privacy.

Anonymous said...

Its a bummer that you can't be open with your thoughts around folks. From what I've seen between you & your GF the two of you were made for each other. Sometimes its even sickeningly sweet :-P. You're probably one of the few young people I know who is so strong in their faith & relationship with God. I commend you for that. I hope that my niece has such commitment.

I dunno why folks would give you grief over a promise ring or a speeding ticket. Those who live in glass houses and all. Lord knows I've gotten my fair share of tickets in my time. You are strong enough to rise above and know that she loves you, your sisters love you, your parents love you and really that's all you need. Having friends who care is an extra bonus.


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