Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thoughts on life

I'm sitting in on a coaches meeting with my dad. He's a head coach for a up and coming club team in town. As I'm sitting here, I'm looking at a lot of faces. Most of them my age or younger. Some look tired. Some look like they can go on all night. But these guys all have a story. They're all here to sign up and play football. But looking at them, you can tell some of these guys have been through a lot. One has a kid on his lap. His girlfriend, and his child's mother is in the next room. On of them has tear drops next to his eyes. You get the picture. This isn't the ghetto, really. My dad and his coaches are reaching out to a lot of kids from a lot of areas of town. There's two that live in Seven Oaks. Another drives a BMW. They're all here for a common goal, and that's football. To join together as a band of brothers, and smash the living heck out of each other while trying to get a leather ball down a 100 yards. These guys have a purpose. Even though they come from a wide variety of lifestyles, they're all here, unified.

The great thing about this is that they're looking to better their lives. My dad and his coaches aren't just here to assist with teaching these guys how to play football. They're here to be moral support. They're here to help talk them through a hard time in life. I believe everyone needs something like this in their life. It may not be football. It may be another sport. It may be academic decathlon. With those activities and coaches, they help guide and support young adults to better shape their lives. They lead them. After hearing some stories from the guys he coached last season, They're making an impact. One guy became a Christian. Another gave up drugs and his party club lifestyle. He's still not a Christian, however he's living a better life now than when he was a wreck.

Now the coaches are starting to gear up for the next season, and this is the biggest turnout they've had in the soon to be three years of club operation. 30+ guys showed up tonight. That's another 30+ chances to impact a life. And those lives are going to (literally and mentally/emotionally) impact others over time.

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