Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ticked off, and without remorse

There's always going to be someone you're going to tick off. That's inevitable. But the fact that this last few weeks I've done things that people have thought was "about the least mature and most un-Christian thing I've ever seen. And I've seen an awful lot"

Thing is, when I see comedy that an audience is going to dig, I'm going to make fun of it. I make fun of a lot of things. Say it's unchristian, or whatever you want, but you can say apples can be oranges nowadays and people are going to buy into it. I don't feel bad for making fun of things or people because wouldn't expect anything different from anyone else. Especially considering if there's something to be humorous about it. With that said now, I used to be close to twitter followers, but because people get so easily butthurt, I dropped my old identity for something new, and am starting fresh. Keeping things a little more private, and refocusing why I use twitter. If that means I have 500 less followers, then so be it. I really don't care if I have 103, or 516. I just tweet what I think and leave it at that.

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