Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tailgating to Stargaze

Simple is often better. In the case of last night, that's for sure. Like a lot of people on this earth, I've had my share of hard times. Mine might be easier than some, or harder than others. But that's the beauty of humanity. We're all on our own levels in life.

I've had a few broken hearts. I've broken a few hearts. But last night, nothing was broken. 

My mom had to borrow my car for a trip, and dad had the other family car, so I used his truck to drive. It's a behemoth of machinery. Ford F-350, crew cab, extended bed. The kind of truck that you pick motorcycles and honda civics out of the grill.

My girlfriend works as a part-time DJ at the local radio station, and she had a shift last night on air. I came in the last hour to hang out before getting dinner, and it was a lot of fun to just sit and watch her in her element. After she ended her shift, we bounced out of there, and went over to her family's house for dinner, which was amazing. It's always fun getting to have just a lighthearted and easy going conversation with people on any topic, and that's how it is all the time with them. Actually, thanks to her parents talking about their vacation and spa package they got, I wanna throw my wallet at the next sauna I see and say "have this for the next few months".

Zombies, or Junior High students? Probably both..

After dinner we decided to go do the final maze at the local Haunt attraction. Wasn't scary...because all it was, was a corn maze. But still, holding her hand and walking around in circles and losing track of where North or South was was entertaining enough. Once we finally made it out of the maze, and away from the crowd of short Junior High kids, who all had the similar arrogant independence that only comes with the age, we made our way back to the truck to leave.

We didn't really know what we wanted to do. The showtimes at the movies weren't right for what we wanted to watch, and the mazes aren't that scary once you go through them after the first time. So we just decided to get coffee and see where the night led. So we drove over to Starbucks, got coffee, and decided to drive around.

With Jack Fm playing this odd playlist (seriously, Katy Perry playing right after Creedence Clearwater?), we drove around for probably an hour just listening to music and talking about school, family, and life. Then we found a half-constructed road that should, by now have had houses surrounding it, but thanks to the market crash, PVC Pipe, rebar wire and ditches surrounded the sides of the asphalt, unattended for who knows how long.

I crawl the truck to a stop, flick the lights off, shut off the engine, and we step out into the somewhat cool night. Tailgate down. Coffee in hand. We sit. I hold her hand, and she smiles.

For the next two hours we sit and take an occasional time lapse photo (that turned out terrible, thanks to not working with my new camera much..) of the night sky. But we talk. About God. The Universe, childhood traditions, favorite sodas, and eighties movies. What we want with our lives, and where we want to be in ten years. That's all we did, and it was amazing.

From my previous posts on this blog, you'll know that I cherish innocence, and that's exactly what this night was. It was fun, easy, and innocent. The fact that two teenagers (soon to be one, thanks to my 20th birthday coming up in 10 days) could sit and talk, and beat the stereotype that teens are unable to control their emotions and desires of physicality (I'm being polite here. You know exxxactly what I'm talking about), was another thing that I appreciate about last night, and the relationship period.

The future is unknown, but I know something about it. I found someone who I want to share it with, and hope that I can. God willing, it can happen. 

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