Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I'm sorry.

Life has been real interesting lately. I've learned a lot in a short amount of time. I realized I've been a jerk to a lot of people. It hasn't been good. Some may not realize that, because it's easy to put up a decent front online, minus the occasional rage-tweet. But I've realized my sarcasm has hurt people. My  what I thought was, snarky and just funny comments were actually hurting people.

I had a long talk with my dad the past few days, and he got me to realize some things I need to work on, and I actually want to progress and make myself better. For one, I need to be more mature with how I treat an argument. Usually I would get very rude, sarcastic, and extremely biting in what I say to people. Especially towards my mom and family. It's not right to them to treat them like that, even if some make comments I don't like back to me, I can't win a fight, fighting fire with fire (that's really hard to type out this early in the morning. Keep thinking I'm unintentionally typing double).

Not only that, but I need to mature up a bit in general. I'll be honest, I would love to marry my girlfriend. But admittedly, I'm not the man she deserves yet. There's aspects, sure. But I need to be better than I am, and thanks to my parents, especially my dad, for showing me how and why I'm not that quite yet, but I'm close and I want to work on being better.

To everyone that I've wronged: I'm sorry. To my mom, sister, dad, family, friends, anyone else in cyberspace I don't know, but have been a jerk to: I'm sorry. I really am, and I wish I could make it up to you some how, but I can at least promise that I'm working to be better from here on.

Now, for the naysayers on questioning where my adventurous side, or dreams have gone (I know you're out there...)

I still have my dreams. I still would love to work for Disney. There's options I'm actually considering I thought I wouldn't with the company. For example: The Disneyland Parks president just transferred over to Walt Disney World in Florida. Without going into too many geek-details, he has done a great job maintaining and enhancing Disneyland. Walt Disney World has some issues, and he's definitely the man to resolve them. So if I graduate, and apply for positions there, I could possibly be moving to Florida for a job I never considered as a kid.

To be honest, if I don't get Disney for some years, and I find other equally cool jobs, then I'm completely okay with that. It's what God gives me, and I'm okay with moving around the country to new places. I love California, and always will, despite the politics, but I'm content now with getting outside my backyard and trying something totally new. Time will tell, but I'm excited to see how this plays out.

From here on, I'm going to be more friendly than I have. Talk to people I've shut out before. Not make the sarcastically rude comments, and learn to speak with a bit more tact and class. It'll only make me a better person. 


Anonymous said...

Great article. I will be dealing with many of these issues as well.

Here is my site :: addresses in california

Unknown said...

love this post. If I'd seen any of that, it didn't offend me personally, but you also know that some of our friendships are unconditional, bonded by some weird phenomenon called "twooping"! :) for the maturity to actually realize and put it into words, as well as take action. <3

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