Monday, February 22, 2010

The Captain Has Landed.

Captain EO is making the grand tribute debut tomorrow at the parks. First showing is at 10:00. Disney will have a press release, or announcement today at 1:45, so check back to see the news on that. I'm actually looking forward to this show, since Honey, I Shrunk the Audience (or HISTA) has been there since 1998, and honestly, the same 3D show gets old after 3 years at maximum. And with todays technology, people can just pay $10.00 to go see the same thing at their local theater. Either way, this is here for a limited time, so catch it while you can. Hopefully we get something really awesome after this ends. No Monster's Inc Laugh Floor, or Stitch's Alien Encounter. We don't need another cloned attraction. Something new, and fresh would be preferred.

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