Saturday, November 5, 2011

Late night Late Thoughts

It's 1:30 in the morning, everyone's out of the house now, and I just polished up some final homework for the week. Now I'm getting stuff ready for the rest of the weekend, since I'll be working, then spending the night at my bro's house after our shift's tomorrow, then leaving from his place with our group to go to Disneyland on Sunday morning.

Now all I have to do is pack my stuff and make sure I have everything.

But real quick note about some stuff...

Captain America was a great film, and I'm really looking forward to the Avengers in May.

Cars 2..this is where some people might get confrontational, but I really enjoyed it. I don't see how some thought it was 'being green', when the film ended with natural/organic gas still being used. Either way, the animation was amazing, and humor was well done.

Oh, and I want to throw this out there that my girlfriend is amazing. By far one of the sweetest, most caring people I've known. From earlier this week, she stopped by work to bring me cold medicine and cough drops, and she told me tonight her parents are taking her and I to Disneyland right after Christmas as a present. It feels great to feel this happy.

With that, I'm gonna go pack up for the rest of the weekend and be all mushy romantic. 


Alisha said...

Have fun at Disneyland! Your girlfriend sounds like a doll and what a great Christmas present!

Alisha said...

Have fun at Disneyland! Your girlfriend sounds like a doll and what a great Christmas present!

Just a Guy said...

Completely agree with you on Cars 2. The organic was the problem, definitely not a "green" film. So can't wait for May either. :D Have fun at Disneyland.

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