Monday, July 5, 2010

Cryin' For The Toys...

Went and saw Toy Story 3 for the second time. I have never cried so much in a movie. The film is just flat out amazing. It's definitely the end of an era. I'm not going to say much about the film for those of you who haven't seen it yet (which means you must be really living under a rock...). All I gotta say is GO SEE IT.

oh, and bring tissues.


Anonymous said...

I know right!!!! I saw it 4 times and I cried each time. I was like oh my. I have so many Ideas for a 4th which I am sure Pixar does too, but message me so I can discuss thiese with you and not ruin it for the ones who live under a rock lol.

Red Leader said...

Michael - if you want to chat about the film, send me an E-mail @

Anonymous said...

Or just adopted a toddler!! I haven't seen a movie since April! Can u believe that??? I want to see this movie bad!!! T in totally awesome Montana!!!!!!! haha

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