Thursday, February 10, 2011

Honest Thoughts

what really sucks is that apparently there's this thing called 'being too honest'. Is that even possible? Honesty is always best, right? So does that mean 'too much of a good thing' is true? But it's being honest. The truth hurts right? So why do people get so worked up over being told the God honest, straight facts truth? Is it because they're overly sensitive, or is it just that they can't handle it?


Anonymous said...

Sometimes people just can't handle much honest because they know you are right. but they don't want to admit that you are right so they hide it by saying it is not right i think haha

Alisha said...

It's because the truth sometimes requires that a person change a deeply held or cherished belief. This is something that is very difficult for most people, even if the new idea/thing is the truth.

Anonymous said...

There are so many examples of being too honest! Like Alisha said, the truth hurts sometimes, and causes people to accept something they don't want to accept.

I'm not saying the truth isn't important, it is!, but giving someone the "God honest truth" can really hurt.

It's not always your job to tell someone "your wife's cheating" or "your dog died while you were away" even if you know it to be true- the truth has to come from the right person at the right time. There are many other examples of this but I'm already typing enough :P

And there are indeed cases where ignorance is bliss. "There is no proof that God exists" isn't necessarily something you'd want to say to someone who believes in God. Of course it may be appropriate to say in an argument, or in a case where you're rudely being preached to (lol Bill O'Reilly and the moon drama), but does a sweet and cherished old woman who lived a life full of faith in a heaven, reincarnation, or whatever the case may be really need to be reminded of the truth in the case that "there's no proof your god exists". Of course not. Just like children don't have to be told "You'll probably never be president/famous/remembered." Both of these scenarios (and others) have people relying on faith, but it's not appropriate to squash them.

So yeah, great question, but definitely one with a solid counter-argument

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