Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lights, Motion, and DJ's.

Kinect + Touch Designer DMX Light/Laser Control from Phil Reyneri on Vimeo.
Saw this video, and couldn't pass up a post about it. If you watch the video, you'll see what I mean, but these guys hacked a xBox Kinect, and with the motion capture that the Kinect does (that's it's job, afterall...just for video games), they can control lights and lasers! I mean, how cool is this?! As a young 18 year old, I haven't been to any clubs (save for GlowFest and ElecTRONica at California Adventure..but that's not really a full on 'club'), but I can only imagine the possibilities with something like this! Dancers controlling the lights and lasers means a 'show' that will never be the same!

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