Thursday, August 4, 2011


It's amazing how tired I am. Last night I had to run all over town, drop my dad off to coach football practice, I had to drive to Chick Fil A to pick up my paperwork, over to Target to get a pair of black pants for work, then back to practice to pick dad up. Then we had a late night softball game @ 9:00pm. After that, back home to eat a VERY late dinner, and finally read my handbook for orientation today.

On top of that, I have not slept good the past two nights, and am running on a total of about 8-9 hours of sleep. For some reason I keep waking up from these really fun, but insanely odd dreams. It doesn't help that I get up at 6:00 to work for my mom (I start up all the company vans in the morning, unlock buildings/gates, etc.).

Jump to this morning: got up at 6:00am, worked, then I had to take my granddad to the Veterans Affairs Hospital for a check up, breakfast with him, and now I'm back home working on other stuff, before I go to Chick-Fil-A orientation at 2:30. Tonight's thursday, so that means I might end up going to a college church youth meeting, if I don't do that, then I might be at the movies, or at home. Either way, it's insane right now.

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