Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Technologic: What's Happened?

Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,
Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it,
Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it,
Snap it, work it, quick - erase it,
Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it,
Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it,
Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it,
Lock it, fill it, call it, find it,
View it, code it, jam - unlock it,
Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it,
Cross it, crack it, switch - update it,
Name it, rate it, tune it, print it,
Scan it, send it, fax - rename it,
Touch it, bring it, Pay it, watch it,
Turn it, leave it, start - format it.

I think these lyrics define the day to day life of anyone anymore. Everything is *insert verb* it. 

My question is this, what happened to us? We're so entwined in so many things today, that I think people really forget how things were in the past sometimes. Kids younger than me are unable to recognize things that were around when I was their age today, and I'm only eighteen! I don't know what caused this blog post. Maybe it was the old photos I found of my family, and I started to reminisce. 

But the question is, where have things gone? It's insane to think about how fast we've progressed. From the time I was born (1992) to now, we have seen the birth of the internet, the rise of the cell phone to mass and global production, computers are thinner and faster than the bricks we used to have, and cars can now parallel park FOR YOU. Not to mention CD's are slowly but surely dying, and wireless everything is rising by the day. 

With all of this, it makes things much easier for day to day living. We can now surf the internet ON our phones. We have 'apps' which gives us anything from coupons to music identification in mere seconds. But no, why stop there? Why not do what was once a film fantasy in Back to the Future, and have a FACE to FACE phone call with anyone in the world? Just not with your boss who calls you chicken, McFly.

I guess what I'm saying is this: Why are we so caught up with the tech? This might come as a shock to those close to me, because everyone knows me as the tech guy who loves the newest toy on the block. But right now as I type this and look back, I remember going to grandma's house for Christmas and not having everyone check Thanksgiving day movie showtimes on their Android or iPhone, but actually pull out the thin sheeted NEWSPAPER, and see what was playing. I remember actually writing down things, and not touch-screen-pressing a note on my phone. Meeting people involved setting up a time to get lunch or dinner together, and not just a friend request. Not to mention, it was a bit more uncommon to know someone around the world unless you actually met them first. But now I've got friends all over the place because of social networking. 500+ followers on Twitter, and I only know about 150 of them in real life. 490 friends on facebook, and I know about 60-70% of them in real life. 

We can't go back to the past. But at least remember it while we can. It was great when we had it. We're going to have to move on with the future as it comes by the seconds, and things are only going to move faster, stronger and sleeker. Change is inevitable, and I welcome it. But at the same time, it is sad to see how amazingly simple our past was with the lack of severe technology in our lives. Shoot, even the bullies back in the day were actually a threat. Now anyone can sit behind these screens and literally kill people without even touching them. How sad is that? 


Nichole337 said...

Well worded! This is so true!

Kevin Crone said...

The most frustrating thing for me is going somewhere with everyone and everyone is on their phones the entire time. I sat on a bench in Disneyland one time, and looked across from me to see a whole family on there phones not paying any attention to each other. Not cool. Good post bro.

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