Friday, March 16, 2012

Hernia surgery

For those that Dont know, I had a bilateral inguinal hernia. Yesterday I had an outpatient surgery done to get it removed. Now as I type this, I lay propped up on the couch with a frozen bag of peas on me to ease the pain. To explain what happened, it goes something like this: a while back I realized I had a swelling in my right groin area, and I thought it was just a pulled muscle, because the next day it was gone. It recurred for a while, but neve thought anything of it because I live a fairly active lifestyle. Well about two to three weeks ago I REALLY pulled it. I brought it up to my dad and we got a doctor appointment set up. Turns out that I had a hernia and would need surgery to remove it. Flash forward to yesterday: it was scheduled for 12:45pm, and my family and girlfriend show up to support me with the surgery. I go back and get ready in one of those silly green gowns, IV hooked up, etc. last thing I remember was the nurse saying "dream of that cute girl of yours on the beach", and then I woke up in recovery. Apparently Ive had this hernia since I was a baby, but it became really bad as of lately. But it's removed now, and I have two scars below my belly button to show it. It hurts to move a lot, but I'll be right as rain in a few days. Hoping to be able to go to church Sunday. And thank you very much to everyone that sent well wishes and prayers my way. I really appreciate it.

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