Saturday, March 3, 2012

Memory Lane

Sitting at my desk tonight going through old photos right now. Dating back from when I was a kid. Like, 3,4,5 years old. Seeing not just myself, but everyone else in the photos is such a trip to think about how time changes things. If you've been reading my blog lately, you'll probably notice that this is somewhat of a recurring topic with my posts, just in different aspects.

I just think it's crazy right now. Right now I feel as if I'm in the biggest transitional phase of my life. It's not a bad thing, but it can definitely be hard to cope with at times. Looking at these photos tonight make me think about a lot of things. Mainly about how I'm about the same age as my parents when they got married (Dad was a year older than me, but mom was my age). How cool it is to see my parents at a young age and madly in love (as they still are). I think it's amazing to think about in comparison to myself because I have the girl I would love to marry someday, and I'm the same age as them (note, that's not a hint that I'm getting married soon. I'll blatantly blog that event on it's own when it happens).

It's crazy to see my grandparents and other family members and how they've progressed with time as well.  How things have drawn some people apart, and others closer.

I don't know really where the rest of this post was going...but I guess that's the end of my train of thought on this one for now. 

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