Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mice(chat) Maze

Not totally sure how to start this off..

I have been a part of MiceChat since April of 2008. Started out as just a teen looking to talk Disney with other fans. Back then, just a mere 4 years ago it was a lot of fun. Very lighthearted chat about the parks, a lot of joking and just pure fun.

Now we step ahead to the present, and we're faced with a completely other beast. MiceChat is no longer fun. It's become a place where people find it fun to complain about anything the Disney company does. It's usually very absurd things like:
Recycling the King Triton statue? GREAT move. Thinking it's ONE CENTIMETER off from the railings in Paradise Park? BAD MOVE.

But users like Mr. Wiggins, Steve DeGaetano, and many more bring the site to a major low. Consistent negative bashing of the parks, and nothing ever positive of what is happening. I understand everyone has the right to their opinion and speech, but it's a lot better to contribute to a conversation with good wholesome chat, instead of complaining about the food in the park (don't like it? eat somewhere else!), or how the peoplemover needs to come back (excuse me, but don't you people have ECVs for a reason? That right there is a park-wide people mover).

To address an issue that a micechat columnist so wisely contacted me, or should I say call me out, about on twitter, so he didn't break MiceChat's rules:
Foamtards. Yes. I call people that. Why? Because they're idiots. Mad about anything Disney does, and wanting attractions back that aren't coming back any time soon. Some ask what 'foamtards' means...well it means that people complain for complaints sake, and aren't happy with anything anyone does, and hates anyone that proves their stupid theories wrong.

There are some positive lights on the site. Posters like Mycroft16. People like this get props because they know that the park is something that's a giant beast to operate, with many branches in many different areas. Things aren't always going to go smoothly, and things can and might change. If you understand that Disney isn't perfect, but strives their hardest to be the best they can, then you'll be able to fully enjoy the park.

As time as gone on, I have made some friends from the site, and gained insider's info on some things because of it. I thank MiceChat for giving me a boost with Disney, but now I'm going to back out because I can't handle the fact that people just don't get it anymore. Common sense is severely lacking, and even their 'lord and savior of the church of Walt', Al Lutz is whacked out. If there's no dramatic story, then there's no writing. At least that's their motive. I've got on accounts that, for the most part, things that go on inside WDI and Disney isn't what Al says. Sure he's got his sources, but everyone can be friends with a Tram Driver.

With all this being said, I'm taking a leave from MiceChat.

Well, I just downed my orange juice, and consumed my doughnut. I'm ready for the next step. Is everyone else ready? Oh-Kay. Let's get started, shall we?


Anonymous said...

disboards.com is a chiller place...

I'm suree youve got tons of options though, might not even be looking for a replacement, and also they are a bit more focused on wdw- but they could totally use your input in th edisneyland section!
also their teenboards are cool.


Anonymous said...

the worst disney chat area on earth is the mousewait app's lounge. much worse than mice age or anything else. trust me. people there are mean and nasty and don't like any new users.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Jake. You were generally a voice of reason there amongst the many passholes. Many of the Micechatters remind me of the episode of The Simpson's when Homer found out he had a rich brother, who owned an auto company.
In the episode, Homer's brother gave him the opportunity to design a car since Homer had "so many good ideas on a family car". In the end, Homer designed a god awful, ugly monstrosity that cost $200,000 to buy and in the end, ruined the company. If a lot of Micechatters ran Disney, that's what would happen.
Not a fan of The Dis either. There is a reason why The Undis was created. haha.

Wraithkelso said...

I'm sad to see that you won't be posting on Micechat anymore, mainly because I liked reading your witty posts and things like the fish puns in between updates. An I do think you have a point about some of the users and Al.

-Also, nice ending lol.

Anonymous said...

Some on MiceChat are very arrogant and love skewering everybody. Worst offenders are Mr. Wiggins and Lazyboy970.

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