Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Blog a day, keeps writers block at bay.

I'm going to try to blog at minimum once a day. This is going to be my story. I'm doing it to be able to look back and see where I was in my life and what stories I had to talk about.

So far today's been alright. Work was a good time. Ended up taking the clients to Burger King and getting an ice cream cone. I've been hooked on How I Met Your Mother lately. I can't get enough of that show. It's hilariously written, and the characters are easily connectable and relatable.

Now I'm at my iMac getting ready to work on a project or two. I've got The Hangover playing in the background. Haven't seen that in...oh, nine months or so. But it's good to be back to laughing at stupid humor, for the pure sake of entertainment. I'm not condoning taking your friends to Vegas for a bachelor party, buying drugs from a gas station, or marrying a hooker named Jade. But given that it's a fictional story that's so out of this world, it's still funny to laugh at.

Rest of the night's going to be pretty quiet. Waiting for the weekend to finally get here. Going to Disneyland friday night, not sure about Saturday's plans, and Church on Sunday. 

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