Monday, August 20, 2012

Private Malone

The only light in my room is the glowing 21 inches of my iMac in the room right now. iTunes is on shuffle, and I've gone from Cheap Trick, to Taylor Swift, to Digital Daggers, to some Disney BackGround Music from the parks, and now, to a song I haven't heard in a long time.

I know, I know, it's country. But growing up in Bakersfield, you gotta meet everyone at some point, right? Anyway, this song somehow always had a way of playing late at night when I'd lay in bed listening to the Late night Show with Blair Garner, and it was always a song that got me to dream about the story it tells. And I really don't know why I'm even posting this, because I have ZERO point to make with it, but it's bringing back memories of my childhood. Back when I could hear a song, and just see the story come to life through the lyrics.  And that's actually one of the great things about country music. It's not just a love song thrown together with a catchy beat. There's actual stories to be told about life. This one just happened to be a big part of my late night childhood radio listening, and wondering what Private Malone did in the war. Where he went, how he died in battle. What if he wrote love letters back to his Mrs. Malone? We're never going to know, but it's great to wonder, isn't it?

1 comment:

Craig said...

Great song and great thoughts. I've wondered a lot about that too. But I still feel bad about the car going up in flames.

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