Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Buying From The Hangout

Started something new on here. As a young guy trying to just make a bit of side cash to save up for college books, tuition and the sorts, I started to team up with Amazon to do the Amazon Associates Program. If you buy something from my site that I link, I get 15% because of the 'referral' so to speak. So consider this a middleman between Amazon and you. If you see something I talk about on here, and want to buy it, please go through here, and help me out a little. I'd really appreciate it. :)

First up, TRON: Legacy. If you haven't gotten this yet, get it NOW. Great film, and totally worth it to add to that Blu-Ray Collection.

1 comment:

Greg said...

I will keep this in mind if I attempt to buy something from I can be like, "Suggest this!" and you will be like, "OK!" and then I can just buy it anyway but use your link. I purchase items from amazon once every three to four years, but you never know what I may feel I need.

Donate a buck or two!