Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mouse Trap!

Just had this thought. I was in my kitchen and saw a mousetrap that had been set off. Peanut butter still on the snap contraption. And it made me wonder: Do mice have a sense of knowing whether or not it's a trap? For all I know, it could have been the cat that had set it off by accident. But my question stands. It's an interesting thought, because there are other animals that have some sort of a 'sixth sense' about dangers.

One way of putting this question to the test is setting up a maze with various traps with different foods, and then random pieces of food without a trap. Then release say, five mice to see which decide to go where. PETA would have an all out rage fit, and I am not going to be conducting these tests. I just thought it was an interesting question to post. What do you think about it?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Austen said...

My sister has mice in her apartment, and the other day she watched several of them run out, go around the traps that were in their way, and to their destination. So yes, I think they know. haha

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