Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Crayola Way of Asking Someone to Prom

Some might wonder what I'm getting at with a post title of 'The Crayola Way of Asking Her to Prom', so I'll explain. by Crayola Prom, I mean GET CREATIVE! There's already a lot of really cool ideas that I've seen, but I've thought of a couple that people can use if they want. I know it's that time of year where kids spend hundreds and thousands of dollars to get the dress no other girl is going to wear, and the shoes no other guy is going to dance in. Limos, after-prom parties. Exquisite dinners at the local italian eatery. All as a way of celebrating one last time together by coming on the dance floor with all your friends and dancing the warm spring nights away before heading off to summer.

A lot of the older crowd doesn't get why we do this, but kids that read this understand it. As of lately, it's become almost an underlying competition between kids, and even the kids who are already dating someone to see who can come up with the most creative ways of asking the girls (or those brave enough, the girls asking the guys) to the spring dance. It's just a fun way of finding a creative way of asking. And I can't disagree with that, since it's a way kids can actually get creative and get their minds thinking (seeing that the lame government likes to cut music and art programs, and leave science and math. but that's saved for later..).

A few ideas I've had about asking a girl to prom are as followed. Feel free to use these ideas if you want, but all I ask is you let me know which one you're using, AND then after you ask, send me a letter on how it went, and I'll blog all the stories!

Starbucks: Call up the girl you want to ask, ask her to meet you at a Starbucks. Ask her for her drink order before she arrives, and order her drink. Upon ordering, you ask the Barista to write in each of the boxes on the side of the cup "PROM?"As she shows up, hand her the cup, ask her if you got it right (by asking her to check the side to see if it's exact), she'll notice, and then go from there.

For those who have a video announcement system at their school: Talk to the teacher, and the class (girls in the class would more than likely love to help out, unless one has a grudge against the girl), and try to set it up in the announcements. Something like "And in breaking, in studio news, *insert guy/girls' name here* has just been asked to Prom by *insert your name here*! Then get the camera to pan over, or cut to you off stage, with a sign and flowers (flowers optional) asking her to prom. To make it better, find a friend in his/her class period the announcements are in, and get them to film their reaction. Then make a youtube video about it later.

Get cultural! - Go out to Panda Express, and find a way to slip in a small piece of paper that asks her to prom in her fortune cookie. Simple, and really cute. Heck, I'd like to be asked by a girl like this. But with my luck, I'd just eat the paper along with the cookie.

Break out the legos: build a sign out of the plastic colored bricks and set it on her door step before she leaves for school. You'll obviously be there when you set it. But hide at first to make him/her wonder who left it there.

Those are some of the ideas I've got for now, but if you do use one of the ideas, PLEASE write me an e-mail back, and I'll post your story here on the blog! 


Just a Guy said...

Great ideas. Here's some I've used in my time:
Big bouquet of balloons. In each balloon a piece of a puzzle you make out of a poster asking her to prom. Has to pop the balloons and reassemble the puzzle.

Scavenger hunt with clues tied to roses.

Talked the custodial staff once into letting me put her favorite flowers in her locker. That was a good surprise.

Anonymous said...

Haha. It's always more fun and means more when you go the extra mile to do something like this.

Some of my favorites have been things with cakes/cookies iced with Prom, and my favorite, a stick of gum with "PROM?" inside. It's especially great if you hand it to the person then slowly walk away.

I've yet to see, but would love to see someone do something with music or a big scene using friends to ask. Something like that Disneyland Musical Marriage Proposal.

Anonymous said...

Hasty resolutions are of the nature of vows, and be equally avoided.

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