Thursday, July 28, 2011

Chick Fil A and my new employment!

Alright, so my phone can stop blowing up with texts questioning about my statuses on facebook and twitter, Yes I DID get the job at Chick Fil A today! On Tuesday I got a call back from the head manager asking if I was still interested in applying for a position at the company. Since no one else has called, I obviously accepted the invite for an interview.

Flash forward two days to today.

I show up to Chick Fil A a bit early for my interview, seeing that I really didn't want to be late, or even walking in right at 9:30. I grab a lemonade and wait for the manager to be ready, and we start. At first I was a little nervous, but I got comfortable, realizing to myself that I have nothing to lose, and I just have to be who I am. Why just give textbook replies, when that's not me?

So he goes over my class schedule, and makes sure that if I was potentially hired, they could find a position for me. We cover that, and go onto the rest of those questions like "can you work for long hours on your feet, deal with mad guests, work fast paced, and find work during a slow part of the day". I answer them honestly, and with a bit of humor, and towards the close of the interview, he offered me a position then and there. No "we'll be in touch in a few days" or "I'll let you know later today after talking it over". Just "would you like the position?".

Now I have to wait for the head manager to call me and schedule orientation, get my shirt size and everything else. So now I'm a part of the Chick Fil A family, and a very happy member of that family. This is a job I'll definitely really enjoy, and hope to last as long as possible.

It's been my pleasure serving you today.

> Jake 

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