Monday, July 11, 2011

Fuh-reeeeeeee Sluuuuuur-piiiiieeeeeeeees!

My awesome sisters and I went down to the 7-11 for the best day of the year. No joke, this day is better than Boxing Day, National Grandparents day, and Cinco De Mayo all combined. It's still better than that.


or is it...


but when you break it down on either spelling....

Slur-pee sounds like a drawn out urination issue....


slur-pie......sounds like you're throwing baked pastries.

why you'd be doing either is beyond me, but I'm talking about those free frozen flavored fantasies in a cup.

and my sisters and I got some for free today! I love 7-11.

 Her first slurpee!
We kids rock.

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