Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Leg of....Jake? Not Lamb?

So some have been asking what I did to my leg, because they only see part of the conversation on twitter or facebook. So to explain again for the peeps walking into church late:

I went to Newport with family last weekend, and went Skimboarding and boogie boarding. Nothing out of the norm for me. I'm still relatively new to Skimboarding, getting my footing right and gauging the I fell a lot. Over a six hour period of time, falling a lot on really rough sand will rough up your skin. Even to the point of drawing a small trickle of blood.

Just like any other scab, I left it alone. But four or five days later the scab got hot, and swelled. I waited a day or two thinking it was just a bug bite at the same area, and it'd pass. Nope.

So Monday (4th of July), my mom wouldn't let me wait anymore and loaded me up and took me to the ER to get it checked. Turns out some little bug in that big ocean (amazing and a bit ironic, right?) decided it wanted to take a ride back to the valley, and use my leg as transportation. So my leg got infected, they gave me two types of antibiotics that are insanely powerful, and from taking them over JUST the last two days, the swelling is gone. The heat inside it is still there, but everything is subsiding really well, really quick. I go to my regular physician tomorrow. By tomorrow this time, there won't be anything to show him!

So now you guys know whats up. Thank you all for the kind words, thoughts and prayers of quick healing. I appreciate it! :)

Now I gotta plan another skimboarding trip..

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