Saturday, July 23, 2011

Courtesy On The Net

I feel like I've been posting negatively about things lately, but it seems to me that there are things that could be fixed, or at least enhanced, and I'm just trying to find ways to talk about doing so.

Recently I've really noticed the amount of courtesy, or just general 'table manners' or lack thereof online. It seems like people don't know how to use words on a screen effectively. So I've come up with some rules, or thoughts...whatever you wish to call them, even guidelines to help people out if you see fit.

1) CAPS LOCK MEANS YOU'RE SCREAMING ONLINE! Reading this tells your audience that you are in fact yelling across the screen. We don't like it when you scream in reality, what makes you think we like reading it like this online? It hurts our eyes to hear something that loud.
The only time caps lock should really be used is when you're emphasizing something. However, even at that, there's bold and italicized for that. Ok, you can use it if bold and italicized are unavailable, but not for your entire post. Still only best to use for one or two word emphasis at best.

2) Not using any form of punctuation to break up your sentences - Its really annoying because no one knows when you stop talking or typing plus it makes us wonder when you are going to run out of breathe from talking that much for that long we would really like a pause in between what you say so this thing doesnt turn into the world's shortest paragraph with the worlds longest run on sentence

3) txt tlk iz n0t a wai 2 typ3. - There's a reason the english language is around. There's a reason you were taught how to spell and use proper grammar all through grade school, so USE IT. (see how I used number one? Caps lock is only best used for emphasis. NOT THE ENTIRE THING)

4) Dirty Laundry - We don't care that you got into a fight with your mom. We don't even care that you and your best friend ended the friendship over a boyfriend/girlfriend. Keep the dirty laundry off the social networking sites. People can use the past to get back at you. Especially nowadays in the internet age where you can back track to virtually anything (Save that someone didn't delete it). Why let them trace back to a internet brawl? It's better just to post the positive things in life. Everyone likes reading that stuff more anyways.

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