Monday, July 4, 2011

Venting...but only a little.

Be polite to all, but intimate with few. ~ Thomas Jefferson

Those words by Thomas Jefferson are definite words to live by. I don't use my blog to vent much, because I really find it pointless. But this has been ongoing, and I feel that it's something that should be addressed. 

I'm tired of being mistaken for flirting with girls. There is a defining difference between a man being a gentleman, and flirting with you. Trust me, my flirting is incredibly obvious. I'm terrible at playing that card low. It may be really hard to comprehend, but there ARE just good guys who are respectful and nice to other people. It's not flirting when I compliment you on your shirt, or shoes. That is merely a compliment, and left at that. 

If I'm interested in you, I will let you know. Otherwise, we're just friends, and I'm merely complimenting you. Nothing more, nothing less.

Now back to those fireworks...


Fractal21 said...

Well said.

Alisha said...

Agreed. You seem like a nice guy who is respectful of women, and I guess some would think that's flirtatious? LOL. I have a "flirtatious" personality, even after being married for almost 8 years. I can't help it. But it's not that I'm flirting with guys, it's just that I'm outgoing and friendly. Not the same thing!

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