Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Breathing Fire Into A Weekly Interview

This week I've got the creator of the twitter Audio Animatronic craze, MurphyTracker! 
Because of being busy, this interview is relatively short. But that means you get a broader range to ask whatever questions you want! Serious, stupid, or seriously stupid, ask away! 
As always, e-mail them to me here: mainstreetjake@yahoo.com, or tweet at me here: Mainstreetjake either just mention me, or use the hashtag #FQF 
Name: Do you want my human name or dragon name? Either way, it’s Maleficent during dungeon hours, and when I’m performing people call me Murphy. It’s not the prettiest name, but it fits. Somehow.

Age: well, I’ve been around for a bit. But I act like I’m in my twenties. That’s the best time of everyone’s life, right? We’ll go with 25.

Hometown: The Pit, Rivers of America, Disneyland.

Favorite Disney Character: Myself! Conceited, but hey, I change from an evil human into a fire breathing dragon. You can’t beat that.

Life motto: Don’t lose your head over a piece of tail.
Tail being Mickey? Something like that, yes.

Favorite Disney Ride: I can’t fit on most, but I love riding Autopia. I can use the cars as skates and if I use my dew claw just right, I can trip the governor on them, and go faster than the guests can.

iPhone or Blackberry? iPhone! Although I have to say, the AT&T iPhone is horrific. Hardly any service in the pit! So I’ve got the Verizon iPhone now and it works like a charm!

What’s something you do every day, without exception? Molt. My fragile skin doesn’t last long.

$100,000. What do you do with it? Buy Ted a crate of butter, Norm a year’s worth of Dent fixing classes, Meangull a vacation all to himself (he needs a break from controlling those two..) Harold a private groomer, Red Head Pirate a year’s worth of massages to help her relax from the stress of dealing with those lustful pirates screaming her name all day, and then I’d buy out MiceChat.

If you had a 'celebrity hall pass' who would you pick? I don’t know how to answer this really. Boys name, girl’s body..ok, I’ll do both!
Boy: uhm…I guess Gerard Butler.
Girl: Holly Madison!

Favorite musician?
Eddie! He plays his guitar in New Orleans Square a few times a week, and I can hear him from my pit. He’s really good!

Best text you’ve ever gotten? “HAROLD LOVE YOU, MURPHY. I AM TINKERBELL. WANT TO MAKE PIXIE DUST?” Total blackmail material. Love it when Harold gets crazy at the parties.

Mac or PC? WWSJD? What would Steve Jobs Do?

What do you think will happen in 2012?
I’m finally going to be put into A-Mode and work right! But that’ll only happen the night the world ends.

You’re in charge of the Disneyland resort for a week: what do you do?
Repaint Main Street to more ‘period appropriate’ colors. Add a loop to every attraction (horizontal loops! Got to be family friendly.). Tear down the new Little Mermaid building, move it one centimeter, and rebuild it so it’s right on track with the railings in Paradise Park. Bring back the PeopleMover so the ‘passionate fans’ have a moving bench to sit on. Oh, and install interactive queues to every single attraction. You can thank me later.

Best Disney Park? Disneyland, duh!

How do you think you'll die? Another faceplant to the concrete.

Favorite Johnny Depp movie? Pirates one! But after glancing over at the Festival Area, the fourth looks really good!

Mickey D’s or BK? McDonalds! I loved eating the fries at Westward Ho!.

Pizza: Chicago or New York style? Whatever style they make the Pizza Port pizza. I love that pizza!

Best thing a guy/girl's said to you? Guy: This show is way better than WaterWorld! Girl: (cheerleader from this past weekend during the show) OHEMGEE, her makeup is so delish!

Buddah or Jesus? Walt.

coke or pepsi? Coke. Only because it’s the only soda they serve in-park. Otherwise, pepsi.

Favorite Medical TV drama? Medical TV? Why watch that when I can go see Norm get his skull smashed in every so often?

Favorite shoes?
(or my Mickey crocs.)
If you were to be a professional athlete, what sport do you want to be in? Well, if Abe was still around, I think we’d be a good tag team at poker.
That’s not a professional sport.
It’s not?
Oh. Well, I guess curling. I’m good at heating the ice, and I don’t even need a broom.

Blond or Brunette? Blondes taste better going down, but brunettes have some more definition and meat to them….wait, oh… I thought you meant like if I were to eat them…got it.

What's your biggest fear? Falling.

Do you twitter? Yes I do!

favorite idol (not the show)? My cousin Pete.

What was your dream job as a kid? You mean as a pup? I always wanted to test the durability of fireman’s suits.

Best song on your iPod? Fantasmic! Show audio

Worst song on your iPod? World of Color show audio.

Any Apologies? I’m sorry to the cheerleaders who I attempted to burn last weekend. But you had it coming.

Best Concert you've ever been to? Steve Rushton at the Tomorrowland Terrace on ’09. Summer Nightastic rocked that year.
Ok, now that we’ve got the stock questions out of the way, let’s get personal. What do you think is going to happen to your new family member in Tokyo?
Wow Jake, you don’t hesitate to get right to it, do you? Haha I think it’s really terrible what happened in Japan. All that water and debris throughout the country, it’s really horrific. But I think my cousin is going to be fine, and like me, he likes to show up late to the party.
Good way of putting it! Ok, when you fell the first, and then the second time, did you think there was any hope of you even just performing? Even in the lowest mode possible?
It was definitely really hard to think about. I was supposed to be a huge ending to the show, and yet I can’t even get up and out of the pit without having problems? It was miserable! I’m glad everyone worked round the clock with me to get me where I need to be to stay in the show, and I hope I don’t have any more incidents! Haha
I was worried for a while I’d never get to see you in action. With the rest of the twitter accounts on here, what do you think of them?
Well, originally I started this twitter account to keep the fans up to date on my well being after my second fall. And then I decided to mess with them, and show them what really goes on inside my head. I showed them the left and right sides of my brain, but I couldn’t handle the two accounts. Then Harold joined, and soon followed by many others. I don’t have a problem with the other accounts, but I think that just like any good story teller, or….whoever that writes stuff that’s cool, they need to find a niche, and stick with it. Have their style, and get creative with it! Otherwise they’re not going to get popular and gain followers.
That’s a very good point! I love reading your account, Harold’s, and the Nemo Birds. You guys come up with some very funny stuff!
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoy it.
I really do, as do a lot of other people. Ok, last question, do you think there’s going to be any new upgrades to your show?
I love how you mention ‘my show’. It is MY show, isn’t it? Well, right now I don’t know. There isn’t anything I’ve heard of, but I’d love my bosses to find a way to get some World of Color magic over here and upgrade the fountains. Imagine seeing butterfly fountains wave across the water as the princes and princesses float by, and then chasers race around as the monkeys and King Louie dance in the jungle! Oh! And a blow pop or two for Captain Hook and his Cannonball fighting with Peter Pan! Not only those but also possibly some in crowd effects, and possibly bring back the Ursula barge! She was such a great addition to the cast from what I heard. Bucky was always so fond of her.

Those are some great ideas! I hope something like that comes together! Thank you so much for your time, and we’ll be chatting later this week to go over the fan questions if we get any for you!
Thank you for the interview, always glad to chat about myself, haha.

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