Monday, March 7, 2011

Constructing Plastic Pirates

This is what I get for day dreaming. Working on my history course for the day, I start thinking about the new Pirates of the Caribbean Lego video game. Then I wonder why Disney and Lego haven't come out with sets for one of their biggest movies yet. I did some research and found out Megabrand had a contract to sell block sets before lego. None the less, I searched around and found out that Lego is in fact coming out with nine Pirates sets this year! As a big lego fan, and even bigger Disney/Pirates fan, this is really awesome news (for those of you who knew this when they announced it, congrats. Some of us are slower to certain newsfeeds.) Now the man cave is going to be scattered with plastic Jack Sparrows, ships and sets from famous movie scenes of the plundering trilogy.

Now if only there was a Black Pearl set...

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